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I look down at her on the floor, fear and confusion in her eyes. Did she really just realize this was a trap? Pathetic. I take a step closer. She try's to slide back but ran into the twins. I laugh. I know lyla said to not to beat her too bad but shes so easy. She clearly doesn't know how to fight. I give Audrey and Boston the look as they nod. They grab Nova by her arms and pull her up so she's standing. I was only 2 inches taller. Oh well. I kick her hard in her stomach as it knocks the air out of her.

Boston and Audrey keep her standing as her eyes start to water. I go to punch her but she catches my fist. "Why?" She gasps as I smile "Bill" I say as her confusion switches to understanding. "She doesn't know why i couldn't stop." She says still catching her breath "Oh she knows, she was in the same situation as you a couple years back" i say with a smirk "If you knew she was here, and kidnapped. Why didn't you come and get her." She says holding my fist tighter "I couldn't." Is all i say before getting my fist back. "Ok i guess i deserve it." She says getting ready for a punch.

Like i said easy. But how the fuck did she catch my fist. I shrug and punch her hard in the face 3 times. She now has blood on her face but its as if she doesn't care. She's taking the guilt. She knows she deserves this. Interesting. "Stand up by yourself" i spit as Audrey and Boston let go. She stands up but wobbly. I go over to the back of her and kick behind her kneecap. She collapses to the floor hitting her head on the concrete. I get on top of her and motion the Twins to hold her hands. I look at her. Emotion feels me. Jade? No no this is Nova. But it looks just like her. "You know. You looks just like Jade Allison. Funny" i say as her lips part. It is her. I cant, I cant hurt her. Hawkins thinks shes dead. Ever since she left he joined a program. Some sort of detective program. Hes been in it for 3 years and has been looking for her everywhere. Hes only 17 and has a really good paying job as a minor detective. Thats when i remember, "How old are you" i ask, she doesn't respond. "How old are you!" I yell "17" she says as i groan. Shes not even an adult yet. But know i definitely know its her. "Just fucking get it over with. I want lyla to be happy" she says lifting the weight off my shoulders. "If you say so."

How did she know me? Why did she want to know my age. I just wanna get this over with. I may be getting jumped but i deserve it. She starts repeatedly punching me as the twins hold me down. She pulls my hair making me stand up and slams me into the brick wall. My ears ring as the pain travels my body. I put this on myself. She slams my head against not hard enough to make me pass out but hard enough for it to get dizzy. She holds me against the wall and moves my hand up. She then pulls out a syringe. Is she about to drug me? She sticks it in my wrist as i squirm. The cold liquid roams my warm blood. I hold my breath as pain fills my body.

She lets go of me as I fall to the ground. I groan and cry in pain arching my back. The twins come over. Seon picks me up wedding style as i give out a few crys. The both stand there for a little. A sharp pain strucks my body as I scream in pain. What the fuck is this. Just please stop. I hold my breath trying to stop the pain but its just getting worst. Dae brings out another syringe as i start freaking out. This pain isn't enough? But i cant speak. He sticks it in the same wrist same spot. This time the liquid was warm colliding with my blood. The pain starts to slowly stop. I breath heavy as Seon put me back on my feet. I lean against the brick wall so I dont pass-out. Aaliyah walks over "Your lucky Lyla said to go easy on you" Aaliyah said. But i know theres another reason. She grabs her gun from her leg band and gocks it. She then backs up and raises it to me. She pulls the trigger as i hold my eyes shut. I slowly open my eyes seeing i didn't get shot. I look to the side of the brick wall and see a hold on it right by my head. I swing my head to look at them but there gone.

I reach in my pocket grabbing the 10 dollar bill. I take a big breath before i keep walking down the alley way. As i walk i see the small store. One tiny light lighting it up. I walk in as the door rings. "Welco-" i look over to the girl as she looks at me horrified. I ignore it and walk over. "Wheres the Tylenol?" I ask as she points to isle 3. I nod and walk over grabbing a pack. I look to the left and see fentanyl. I grab it Walking back over to her and putting it down. "Oh and a pack of cigs" i say copying Toms words. "Oh yes i just need an ID" she says as I look at her. "ID?" I say as she nods laying her hand out. "Well um i dont actually have mine at the moment" i say as her smile drops "No ID not cigarettes. Or fentanyl." She says. A car zooms up stopping at the store. Its Bills red car. The bell rings as someone walks in. "Shes with me." I hear him say as his boots hump against the floor. The women's face turns into fear as he slithers his arm around my waist. I move my face so he cant see me. Even though my clothes are dirty and I can barely stand up, even though my hairs a mess and i have blood my hands. Is still dont want him to see my face. She nods and grabs the cigarettes as i give her the ten. "Keep the change" i say to her grabbing the things and getting out of bills grip. I leave as he walks after me. I start towards the ally. "Nova! What the hell happened to you?" He yells as i dont look at him. "Just a Little fall" i say still walking. I turn the corner to the Ally as I hear his car start.


I get back to the house. I open the door taking off my coat and shoes. Tom was still watching the TV as i threw him the Cigs "Thanks-" he says looking at me. His eyes traced me. He got up walking towards me. "What happened" he says softly grabbing my shoulders looking at me up and down "I fell." I say trying to walk upstairs but he holds onto me. "Tom.." i say as he looks me up and down again before letting go.

I walk upstairs into Bills room where Lyla is. "Here" i say throwing her Tylenol. She looks at me in guilt. I just walk back out and go to the bathroom. I look at myself in the mirror. My face was swollen with some blood on it. My forehead split skin after being slammed in the wall as dry blood trailed down my face. I brush my hair and peel off my clothes starting the shower. I step in feeling the hot water go down my back as groan in pain. I wash my hair, body, and face.

I get out rapping a towel around my chest as i look in the mirror. I look down and see the Fentanyl. I open it and take the small blue pill out. I analyze it before popping it into my mouth and swallowing it. I hate it, the feeling of it going down my throat. But it will ease the pain.


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