Winners keepers

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The alarm goes off as we all get into our cars. Aaliyah jumps in and gives me a nod. I look out of the window seeing Nova. Straight fear on her face. But im determined to win. A girl with a flag steps up on a block of cement and raises the flag. I look through the window making eye contact with Tom. He was gripping the steering wheel. He was a really good racer. But even if i lose i will take her. Shes mine.

The girl puts her hand on her hip waving it in the air. We all rumble our engines. She swings it down. I push on the gas zooming down the road. I look in my rearview mirror seeing everyone behind me. Suddenly Tom comes by my side winking at me before zooming ahead. I grit my teeth and switch the gear causing me to go faster. I go by his side as he looks at me surprised. I smirk before zooming ahead of him just like he did to me. Somehow Tom gets ahead of me again. Im starting to give up. Already?

Aaliyah places her hand on my leg. "Think of Nova." She says. I look at her gripping on the steering wheel as my knuckles turn white. I look back at the road. "Shes mine!" I yell pressing a button causing me to zoom past him. I switch my gear causing me to skid past a turn. I switch my gear again going straight. I push down hard on the gas going faster. Aaliyah grips onto the seat as the force pushes her back. "Are you ok?" I ask. "Im fine! Just go faster!" She yells. I nod with a smile. I look at the road determined pushing even harder on the gas. I look in my rearview mirror seeing Tom Bill and That other Mafia Boss getting closer. "SHIT!" I yell hitting the steering wheel.

Bill comes into my focus, The upcoming Boss of Tokio hotel. Which tom is in, the same Mafia nova got kidnapped by. He turns causing me to go off road. Thats not gonna stop me. I switch my gear again driving towards him. He looks at me in fear. He hurry and turns going off road. I laugh as Aaliyah claps her hands. Tom starts catching up as we get closer to the finish.

++*TOMS POV*++

"How the fuck!" I yell as he gets ahead of me. We get closer to the finish sign. Anger fills me as i push hard on the gas. I meet him side to side. He just has a smirk on his face. I look back seeing bill off road. But he turns going back on the road. Hawkins drives past the finish. "FUCK!" I scream as lyla flinches. He skids on the side stopping. I make it past stopping. He gets out smirking as another girl gets out.

I get out slamming the door as Lyla gets out too. He walks towards me as i do the same. "Winners keepers." He chuckles. I push his chest as he stumbles back. He is shorter than me. He looks about 5'10 5'9 which makes me 3-4 inches taller. But he still stands up to me. Who the fuck does he think he is. "Aw are you being a sore loser." He pouts catching himself from falling. "Your not taking her." I growl as he laughs. "Didn't we make a deal?" He says as clench my fist. "I will get her back. Shes mine." I say as he chuckles. "Ok buddy." He says sarcastically. I punch him in the face as he falls down. Nova runs over stopping me from punching him again. "GET THE FUCK AWAY NOVA!" I yell as she shakes her head. "A deal is a deal tom!" She says. She tries to look like shes not scared but i can tell from her eyes she is.

I breath heavy slowly putting my fist down by my waist, "i will get you back" i say low and cold before walking back to lyla.

I take a deep breath before turning around a running to Hawkins who's on the floor. "You okay?" I ask with a worried voice. "Im fine, but it's definitely gonna leave a bruise" he chuckles. I nod and help him up. "Lets go home." He says putting his arm around me. We start walking as Aaliyah follows. "Yea, home." I say low. But i know. Im not gonna be there for long.


Kinda short chapter but these next chapter are gonna be CRAZYYY! I'll probably post tonight or Tomorrow. Leibe Du!

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