They kidnapped me for a reason. Their boss sent them out to get me for a reason. I just dont know what. But i can think about something. No, Im still confused from the other night. When i got jumped Aaliyah asked me questions like she new me. Or she knows someone who knows me. Its all so confusing. But bill still hasn't told me I dont get to go home. Tom made it clear but i still wonder how they found my identity. I need to find out. And to do that i have to ask around, but to do that i have to escape. And thats what im going to do. I already escaped from being stuck in a hell whole once, so why cant i do it know. Yes its risky, and yes it's dangerous, but what else am i supposed to do?
I waited till it passed 10 before packing some stuff. I put it in a grocery bag and tiptoe down the stairs. As im about to walk past the kitchen before i jump at the sound of the phone jack ringing. I hurry and grab it to stop it from ringing. I put it to my ear "Hello?" "Jade?". My heart goes to my throat. Its Hawkins "Hawkins? How did you find me?" I ask quietly my eyes starting to water. "When you left, and you sent me a note. You said "come find me" so these past years I've been going into to detective and police programs. I now have a job as a minor detective. But only because i made it my life's wish to find you. I thought you were dead, but i was watching the news and some teenager got a video of the gang Tokio Hotel Kidnapping a girl. I could recognize the blonde wavy hair anywhere." He said in determination. A tear slides down my cheek "Are you okay, did they do anything?" He asks. I sniffle "Yes and no." I say my voice cracking "How did you know i would pick up?" I ask as i hear him sigh "I didn't." He says. I let out a little weep. I dont know why im filled with so much emotion. He sounds so much older, and hearing his voice after all these years, him actually wanting to find me. It's overwhelming. "Hey hey" he says over the phone.
"Im sorry." I cry quietly. "Dont be, what are you doing up anyway" he says "Trying to leave." I say. "But im scared, what if i get caught, what if i get hurt." I wipe my eyes causing my mascara to run. "Hey, breathe. It's all going to be alright. Remember all of the times you didn't know how you'd get through but you did? You'll get through this one too. It will go better than your mind is telling you." He reassures me as i smile. "Thank you. But this is very dangerous" i say. "I know, but please stay there. I will find you and get you. Tokyos a big city. With very dangerous gangs. Especially at night" he says as i nod. "I know-" i get cut off by the sound of steps coming down the stairs. "Gotta go" i say quick putting the phone back on the wall and hiding behind the island. I see everyone waking towards the front door. The girls are in there dresses as the boys are dressed in black. If there going to the bar, they would bring me.
They start talking. I sneak passed them running upstairs into bills room. I start going through the drawers. "Where is it. Ah!" I exclaim grabbing the red handkerchief. I hear the door close. I run downstairs and wait for the 4 cars to pull out before jumping into the same car from the abandoned building. I get in and start it. I press the "follow bill" it turns into automatic and starts following them but far enough so they cant see. I get all the same things form last time. I put on the outfit and high hills. I do a smokey eye and splatter on red lipstick. I put the T necklace on and get out a cigarette. I light it in my mouth breathing it out. "Oh wait." I grab the red handkerchief and look at it. It was kinda dirty and have a red kiss mark. The way tom looked at me when he saw it and when lyla said "it's definitely hers." Questioned me. Who's "her" and why is she so scarring in there mind. I tied it in my hair before turning off the automatic. I lay my hand out the window the cigarette between my index and middle finger.
They pull up to the same abandoned building. I stop a couple blocks away. I grab sunglasses and put them on getting out of the car. I walk on the sidewalk my heels clicking with each step. I enter the building quietly. I hear yelling. I follow it which leads me to a door. It leads out to the racetrack i saw earlier. Except theres many people as 4 cars pulled up. I could tell that Bill and Toms cars were there but the two other ones didn't look familiar. Everyone surrounded them. I need to get closer to get a better look.
I walk through the crowd so i can see the cars. Tom and Bill walk out with lyla and Ziggy. I haven't seen Ziggy in forever. She definitely looks better. Tom puts his arm up as Ziggy flinches, but he just raps it around her shoulder. I furrow my eyebrows in confusion before looking at Bill and Lyla. He had his arm around her waist and his hand on her hip. Another guy got out. He was Korean and had black hair slicked back a single strand out. He fixed his black button up shirt as he got out. The passenger door opened as a girl with Blonde curly hair got out. She had leather pants on with a black belly shirt and a pushup bra. I look at Bill as he looks at her. He looks sad, like his heart just got pulled out. I looked at Tom as he was also looking at her. He looked a angry as he was clenching his fists. Yet his eyes looked sad and empty.
I didn't even notice she was looking at me squinting her eyes. She looks at me like she just realized something as her face goes soft. The man comes to her side placing his hand on her butt.
The next car door opens. A man with messy brown hair put to the side as it kinda lays in front of his face steps out. He was wearing a black long sleeve that was tight on his body the showed off his muscles and hourglass shape. He was wearing baggy black pants that lied below his V line. A girl stepped out. Aaliyah. My heart drops at seeing her. The man looks at me in the eyes leaning against the car. Those brown eyes...they look fierce, they look familiar. He face looked soft but his eyebrows were furrowed. His sharp jawline showed when he clenched his jaw. His lips part as his eyes light up. I was so distracted i didn't realize Aaliyah came up to me.
"What are you doing here?" She asks as j break eye contact with the familiar man. "I, um..i saw them leave and i just wanted to see-" "You saw who leave?" She cuts me off. I point at tom and bill. "Ohh" she says like she realized. "Just try not to be seen. Cause if you are who i think you are, your not safe." She says glancing at the handkerchief "Keep the sun glasses on." She says with hesitation still looking at it before walking away.

My Kidnapper-Tokio Hotel-
Mystery / ThrillerThis is a fan book! Nova is a 17 year old girl from L.A. She is happy and is really good in school, though they think. She wasn't that known. Until she gets kidnapped by Formal Mafia boss Bill Kaulitz. Her popularity grows as of her getting kidnappe...