I look through the window as the "Autotokio" car pulls in the driveway and garage. I run to the garage door and swing it open seeing Nova get out. "Where were you?" I ask as she looks like she just came from a car race "I- Just went for a drive" shes lying. You can tell. She stutter ls and she stares at the ground. Her pupils went wide as she tangled her fingers together. I see the pearls of sweat on her forehead. Suddenly the garage opens making her flinch and look up as Tom and Bill drove in. I keep my eyes on her as she gets more nervous. She then run pasts me, I turn around about to say something but stop. She had a red handkerchief in her hair. As she runs inside i run after her. She tries to run up the stairs put i grab the handkerchief almost making her fall over. I pull it out of her hair analyzing it. "It's definitely hers" i say under my breath my thumb hovering over a single kiss mark of rose red lipstick. "What?" Nova says while getting up. "Where did you find this." I say holding it in the air "Why-" "Where the fuck did you find this!" I say raising my voice as she looks at me surprised. "Passenger seat." She says as tom and bill walk in.Tom walks in giving me and her a slight glance as i hid the handkerchief. Bill comes in and walks over to me. He kisses me then looks up and Nova winking. I look back and forth between them. I shake it off and put the handkerchief in my pocket. "Can i go now?" She asks as i nod. Bill hugs me from behind his my neck. "Bill you know im ticklish" i laugh cringing. "Okay well ill be in the bar" he says kissing my cheek as i walk to the living room.
I go to bills room and grab a pair of low waisted shorts and a tight black shirt with a cool design covered in red on the front. I then grabbed a belt since these shorts were the size of underwear. I then went to the bathroom. I kept on my makeup and put my hair in a black claw-clip. I dont think anyone has seen my hair curly. Minus Tom but he didn't know it was me. Cause i always straighten it every chance i get. But im gonna keep it curly today, it goes good with the claw clip.I pull out two curly pieces in the front of my face and pose in the mirror.
I walk out being startled by Bill leaning against the door frame. "Hi?" I say "Lyla told me you weren't home all day" Bill says cold leaning in. This Bill, this bill. Ive never seen this bill before. His voice has no emotion except evil and disgust. His eyes have no color as you can tell he's had on his eyeshadow since yesterday since its a but smudged. "I-" i stuttered trying to make an excuse. "Your in big, big trouble" Bill says lowering his voice as an evil smirk plays on his lip. I look at him. Fear slaps me in the face as i freeze. He walks in the bathroom his chains clicking on his boots. I step back as he gets closer causing me to almost trip over the bathtub. "Bill i-" Bill hushes me putting his finger over my mouth. "You know. Im not who you think I am." He says so close his breath blows on my face. Realization hits me as it lingers with alcohol. Ive only been up here for an hour. How did he get drunk. I go to speak but my mouth just hangs open. He stared down at me, his gaze enchanting. Its like he wiped my brain clean. "Im Bill Kaulitz, im in the most dangerous and strongest Mafia gang in Tokio. Once our boss retires, im up next. Do you understand what i can do. To you, to anyone" he says cold with a little laugh. "No." I say looking down at his torso where his little star showed.
"Remember that kiss we shared in the garage?" He questions me. I shoot my head up at him furrowing my eyebrows since it came out of no where. "No. I dont." I say thinking about Lyla "Do you remember that you could pull away but instead you rapped your arms around my neck and kissed me back." He says pressing his chest against mine. I look up at him as i tug the corner of my lip. "No" i whisper.
He places his hand on my lower hip grazing his thumb against my bare skin as my body tingles. He leans into my ear "I dont like liars." He whispers making me tense. He then kisses my neck up to my jaw then my cheek. He pulls away and looks me deep in my eyes. "Do you remember?" He asks again "Yes." I say. Its like im a robotic doll responding to his commands. He then leans in and roughly kisses me on the lips. I couldn't help but kiss him back as he moved his hands to my lower butt. He played with the rim of my shorts kissing me harder an rubbing his chest on mine. I wanted to stop. I felt the guilt. But i couldn't, he was like a drug.
"Oh my god!" I hear lyla yell from the entrance of the bathroom. Bill swings around "Babe!" He says raising his arm for a hug. "What the fuck bill!" She yells moving so he cant touch her "Baby its not what it looks like." He says his voice still cold. "It's exactly what it fucking looks like! I expected it." She says raising her hands. Her eyes start to tear up. "Lyla" i say as she raises her hand to stop me talking "Dont even get me started with you. I cant believe You!" She yells pushing me as i stumble back. Tears were running down her face. "You know bill. This has happened to many times! You cheat on me over and over but i know you dont care! You act all sweet and act like you want me but the second you get tired of it you get a hold of another slut!" She says looking at me. "Dont you FUCKIN yell at me" Bill spits as lyla flinches, i can tell he has a short temper. "How can i not! YOUR A FUCKING MAN WHORE BILL! I love you! I do! But one of you need a punishment!" She yells looking at me again saying "punishment".
Suddenly Bill grabs my arm pulling me put of the bathroom. We get to the doors as he swings them open pushing me out and slamming them in my face.
"WHAT THE FUCK DID I DAY ABOUT YELLING" I hear bill roar as lyla screams. I hear shuffling as i shake the doorknob. "BILL?" I yell from behind the door as lyla screams "LYLA!" I yell. I look left and right before running downstairs. "TOM!" I yell running into the kitchen. Tom Gustav and Georg were playing cards as lyla screams loud. All there smiles drop. "Shit" Tom says getting up. Georg and Gustav also get up as we all run upstairs.
Tom starts banging on Bills door yelling "What happened!" He yells at me as her screams echo. The back of my eyes start burning. "I-" do i tell him what actually happened. "Lyla started yelling at bill and bill was drinking and it kinda just happened." I say "You kissed him didn't you." Tom says giving me a glance while shaking the doorknob. "Lyla, shes a really sweet person. She would never have acted like that if she didn't have a reason" He says as Lylas screams stop. Its silent. Only us breathing heavily. Tom pushes us back as he steps back. He then swings his foot kicking down the door down. Bill was standing back facing us by the wall. Lylas hands appeared as she was hitting his back. He was choking her.
"FUCK BILL!" Tom says As him and the boys run over pulling him off of her. She falls to the ground clasping her neck. I run over kneeling down and looking at her. She looks at me. She was beaten so bad her eye was swelling up. "Lyla.." i say As she looks at the ground "I trusted you." She said tears falling down. "Lyla please im sorry." She shakes her head "Your next" she says low sending shivers down my spine.
Im such a hypocrite. I freak out that Tom's with more girls and cheating on Ziggy but im here hooking up with his brother. Who the fuck am I? This isn't me. I would never yet i did.
Okay sorry if this seems rushed but next chapter is gonna be a bit of a gore. I really gotta get to bed! Byeee

My Kidnapper-Tokio Hotel-
Mystery / ThrillerThis is a fan book! Nova is a 17 year old girl from L.A. She is happy and is really good in school, though they think. She wasn't that known. Until she gets kidnapped by Formal Mafia boss Bill Kaulitz. Her popularity grows as of her getting kidnappe...