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I follow the boys upstairs into Georg's room.
"Why do we need to get dressed up anyway" I ask as they turn around. "The life of care has the most dangerous gangs up to race to see who's the best." Georg says "And how to impress an audience is to look good." Says Gustav "But you guys already look good" I laugh as they shrug
"not good enough" Georg says opening his closet.
It was huge as he ran his hand through the row of shirt before grabbing one. It was a tank top that was a little baggy but also sucked me in showing my bulk form. It had a sign that was a T with a circle around it in the middle. Then he grabbed long baggy jorts and a bb belt, and a fish net long sleeve to put under the shirt before throwing it to me. "Go put that on." He says as I nod going to the bathroom.

When I'm done I walk out as they are dressed too. "Sit down" Gustav says as I sit down on the bed, they grab gell pouring it in their hand before grabbing separate pieces of my hair and spiking it

++*10 MINS LATER*++
"Ok done." Georg says as I get up and look in the mirror. "I look like a rockstar" I say Turing around "Good. But we're not done." He says pulling out a eyeshadow pallet. "Oh hell no." I say as he smiles "Oh hell yes." He walks over to me rubbing his finger in the black before rubbing it under my eye and on the waterline.
"I look like I have a black eye" I say as Gustav laughs "that's what we're going for." He says smiling at Georg. I roll my eyes before looking back at myself in the mirror up and down "okay then." I say with a little chuckle before we all walk downstairs. Bill was already standing there, he was wearing a skin tight black long sleeve with a black and white fur coat, black skinny jeans, a bb belt, black platforms and a spiky wrist band.
His hair was slicked back, and he also had black eye shadow around his eyes with his eyebrows filled in. He replaced his original eyebrow piercing with one that had spikes on the end. He also had a tattoo on his arm that said " freedom
'89'" in German.

"What does that tattoo mean?" I ask him as he looks at his arm. "Freedom 89. 89 represents 1989, which was the year I was born. I got this on my 18th birthday, I was looking forward to being 18 and becoming free to do whatever I wanted." He says as I nod "maybe I should get one when I turn 20" I say with an awkward dad laugh as he nods with a smirk.

I remember how the others got here a while ago
"Where are the others?" I ask as bill looks up the stairs "HURRY YOUR ASSES UP!" He yells before I hear doors open. As Tom and nova come first, Nova was wearing a really short jean mini skirt and a leopard print tight shirt that was high enough to show her v-line it also showed a lot of cleavage and had a open back. She also had a belly chain with black high hills and a black mini purse. She was all glamed with eyeliner, eyelashes, black eyeshadow, and bold red lipstick. She had a chain on and her hair was crimped with black extensions that made it look like she had skunk hair.

Tom was wearing a tight gray long sleeve that showed every single muscle on him and black baggy pants with a bb belt. He had on a black satin(it's like silk) bandana that covered his big ass forehead, and dc's. He had on a silver chain and silver earrings with a silver eyebrow piercing and changed his lip piercings to black. He didn't have makeup on but still had his ugly attitude face on that apparently was supposed to be a
"don't mess with me" look. But he just looks dumb to me. They walked down as he bumbled shoulders with me. Or I guess you could say he bumped his shoulder on my arm because he's a short ass.

Next Lyla, Brooklyn, and Sylvia walked down.
Lyla wore leather shorts that suctioned her butt.
She had on tights and red heels. She had on a dark red shirt that was cut on the sides that
showed even more cleavage then novas with a black scarf around her neck. Her hair was waved half up half down and had on darker red lipstick with a sparkly black on her eyelids.

Brooklyn had on low rise bell bottoms jeans with a navy blue tube top that had 2 orange stripes on both sides and and orange shirt underneath that the straps went around her neck. She had on black high hills and she had her natural curly hair up in a bun with some pieces out. She had eyeliner with black on her water line. She had dark lipgloss on and her belly ring had an orange spiky ball on it.

Sylvia had on low rise black bell bottoms that were low enough to show her tramp stamp and cut at the feet with a white line going up the middle of both of her legs. She had on a black crop top jacket that zipped down to show her cleavage as it had white lining outlining the zipper. She had on a black belt and a mini black belt on the bottom of her jacket. She had on white hills and a silver necklace that had a big cross on it. Her hair was straight and black that faded into dark brown. She had on a black hoop nose ring and dark lipliner with black eyeshadow.

"The cars are all filled up." Bill says motioning us to the garage as we follow him. I walk into the garage as there's 4 expensive cars lined up, bill and Lyla walk over to a black one with lime stripes on it. Georg and Silvia walk to a dark red one. Gustav and Brooke walk to a dark green one.
And Tom and Lyla walk too a black shiny one.
(Don't get mad at me if I got that wrong I can't remember the cars)

"You coming?" Lyla asks as I nod following her into the car.
These might be slow be my dog just got ran over so I'm taking care of her right now. Also if this book doesn't get as much attention I'm gonna be so mad cause I wanna continue the other book but I'm so out of ideas. Anyway love you guys!!

....yea so it got no attention so we're continuing this book.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Aug 02, 2024 ⏰

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