!Hey guys! I know i left u on a cliff hanger with the Ziggy chapter but this is explaining what happened when they went to the hospital!
++*TOMS POV*++
We pull up to the club hopping out of the car. Ziggy hooks arms with me but i keep my eyes on Nova. Her hips bounce as she walks, her perfect form. We enter as this time me and Ziggy enter first. As usual it goes silent as we all walk upstairs. Bill snaps as everyone goes back to what they were doing. As we make it up stairs every man looks at Ziggy. I Move my hand to her stomach squeezing it as she moves in discomfort. "Oh shit im sorry baby" i say to her as she shakes her head with a smile sitting down.I look at her as she rubs her arm. My eyes start watering.
I hurry and run past them going to the bathroom. When i make it breaking down as my foot crosses the threshold. I cover my eyes with my hands sliding down the wall so i sit. I sob into my hands feeling like i cant breath. Someone knocks on the door. I wanna stop crying but i cant. "Occupied" i yell my voice quivering. "Tom?" I hear Gustav say from the other side. I sniffle getting up and opening the door. Gustav looks at me. Sadness and worry covered on his face. I stand in the doorframe for a while before hugging him. He rubs my back trying to comfort me as i cry into his shoulder. My eyes burn and my heart aches.
"Lets go outside." He whispers to me as i nod. People watch as we walk through the crowd to the door. He opens the door as the cold air spikes my warm skin from the amount of heat which fills the club.
Gustav leads me to the side of the building. He turns to me, his mind searching for words. "Is this about Ziggy?" He asks. I open my mouth but can speak. Tears stream down my face as i nod "I just wish- i just wish i treated her better, its all my fault" i cry as Gustav shakes his head. "Its not ur fault. Its not ur fault at all. You didn't ask for her to get hurt." He consolidated me as i nodded. He doesn't know the truth "Now, lets get so fucking drunk we pass out. And have a good time!" Gustav cheers as i chuckle wiping my tears. "Ok" i say as he starts walking. "Gustav" i yell as he looks back at me "Yea man?" He says back to me "Your my best friend. And im so grateful that you stayed." I say as he smiles "Always, i love you dude. Now, lets go have fun"
I sit on the couch as lyla sits at the bar talking to Nova and Brooke. Georg ran off somewhere which left me and Ziggy alone. She sat across from me tangling her fingers. She had a sad look on her face her eyes glossy. I get up sitting next to her. She looks up at me with a smile trying to hide her sadness. "Whats up?" I ask in a caring voice "I don't understand what u mean." She says her voice breaking. I kneel down in front of her placing my hand on her knee. She looks up at me her eyes watering before looking out into the crowd. I follow her eyes seeing Tom. He was definitely waisted and kissing another girl. A tear drops as i look at her. "Hey, hey, hes waisted. Dont think about it" is say as she shakes her head. "Bill, i only have a few more months." She says as i part my lips "What?" I say as she looks at me "When the doctor said he just wanted to talk to me and Tom. He said i have 3-4 more months. Im bleeding out in my stomach and they cant do anything." She says crying. I grab her holding her im my arms as i rub her head "Its so so painful Bill" she crys. A tear slides down my cheek. "How?" I ask "Getting jumped, stabbed, and beaten by Tom. Mixed with alcohol. Caused a hole to form." She cry's.
"Shh" i calm her looking at Tom down below. "Ill be right back." I say getting up. I walk downstairs as the crowd makes way for me. I get to Tom grabbing the girls arm and throwing her on the ground. "What the fuck" Tom says pushing my chest. "Dont touch me" i say as he keeps pushing my chest. He then punches me but i keep my ground. Everyone watching including the girls. I punch him as we start getting in a fight.
I look down below hearing the ruckus. I see Tom and Bill fighting. No. I run downstairs going after them. Georg stops me "Let me go" i plead "No im sorry" he says. Bill gets on top of tom holding his arms down. "What the fuck is wrong with you!" Bill yells in toms face "Ziggy's about to die and you couldn't mention fucking anything" Tears run down his face as tom looks flustered. Everyone looks at me."Whats wrong with you! Do you remember the shit u did to Nova that could have killed her!" He yells back "TOM! THIS ISNT ABOUT FUCKING NOVA! THATS ALL YOU TALK ABOUT! ITS ABOUT ZIGGY! YOUR GIRLFRIEND! YOUR SHOULD BE FIANCÉ" At this point i wish i could just disappear faster. "Ziggy.." Georg says as i get loose from his grip. I look at the girls. Brooke and Sie look at me as Novas eyes had a bright gloss over them cause from watering.Tears run down my cheek as everyones eyes burn into my body. I run. I dont know where. I run through the doors and down the street. I need air. When i get to the other side of the sidewalk i stop. I collapse on my knees my hand on my chest. I cry as it gets harder to breath.
"Ziggy!" I hear Brooke, Silvia, Nova, Gustav, and Georg yell.
I stand up as nova crashes into me giving me a hug. "Im so sorry zig." She cry's. I hug her back as everyone else joins in "We love you" Gustav cry's. Ive never seen or heard him cry before. It melts my heart.

My Kidnapper-Tokio Hotel-
Mystery / ThrillerThis is a fan book! Nova is a 17 year old girl from L.A. She is happy and is really good in school, though they think. She wasn't that known. Until she gets kidnapped by Formal Mafia boss Bill Kaulitz. Her popularity grows as of her getting kidnappe...