Movie night

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It had been another week since the party, and although Maya hadn't seen him through the week, she was on her way to Lucas' now. It was normal for them not to see each other in the week, and she was ok with that.

They had gone back to normal, Lucas was still busy and still staying late most nights. He was in back to back meetings about upcoming projects for the company. Farkle was equally as busy which provided maya with some comfort.

Although, it definitely is less busy then the previous week with the party planning. Lucas stayed late at work tonight as well, so she only got to his building at around 9pm. They were just going to chill out for the night, watch a movie and cuddle up in bed.

Once she arrived through the elevator doors, the familiar Lowly lit apartment provided her with peace "Hey baby" he jogged down the stairs, a empty cup in hand. He was shirtless, with grey sweatpants on. He looked good.

Maya was in comfy clothes too, in all honesty, she was in her pyjamas. She had fluffy long white wide leg pants and a knitted white sweater with some platform Ugg boots on "hey" she smiled, stepping further into the area.

She followed him to the kitchen, giving him a hug once he reached her "missed you" he kissed her head. "Missed you too" she smiled. "Did you pick what movie you wanted to watch?" She asked him

He turned back to her, whiskey bottle in hand "I thought it was your turn?" He questioned. She laughed "you always say that! I always pick" she hit his arm playfully "you're just better at it then I am" he replied with a smile

"I know I am. I had already picked a movie in case I didn't like your movie pick" she matched his smile. "See! So that means from now on you are official movie picker" he points a finger at her, opening the fridge and getting out a large glass bowl.

She reached for a wine glass, opening a bottle and pouring in the pink liquid "that looks good" she glanced over to the bowl he was holding, full of multiple different types of fruit. He nodded, "I had Roy prepare it before he left. Thought it would be nice" he shrugged

She smiled, "it is" she leant on her tippy toes to give him a kiss. They carried all the bottles and glasses up the stairs to his bedroom, climbing into bed across from a huge flat screen. He used his remote to close the blinds, creating the atmosphere.

Maya searched for the movie, putting it on and cuddling up next to him. They sat closely, picking away at their fruit bowl and sipping on their drinks, watching the night away.

The next morning maya woke up with her back to Lucas, he lay on his back behind her. She turned, a content look on her face as she watched him sleep peacefully. He looked cute when he slept

"Like what you see?" He mumbled, his head turning to see the blonde beside him "I do" she replied simply. He pulled her closer, wrapping his arm around her tightly. She felt safe, and she felt happy.

They laid together for a little while longer, "I was thinking we could go for a walk? In the park?" She suggested, looking up to him. He nodded, "sounds good" he replied simply.

The tired pair soon got up and showered, getting ready for the day in their own ways. Maya had on straight blue jeans, and a sheer black long sleeve body suit, that had a bandeau that wasn't sheer. She wore black platform boots and styled her hairs, heading down the stairs to meet her boyfriend who sat waiting

"Ready to go?" He questioned, looking up to her. She nodded, taking his hand that he held out, following him over to the elevator. They made small talk on the way down, leaving the building toward the park. He had shorts and a polo on, with new Dior sneakers on. It was a nice sunny day, and all New Yorkers were out to enjoy it.

"So how's work been?" She asked once they made it to the park, their hands still linked. "It's been alright baby. Have a pretty big meeting on Monday, it's some new project idea apparently. But I'm not sure yet" he replied

"That sounds exciting" she replied back. He shrugged, "still, I've not had a meeting as exciting as yours was a couple months ago" he smiled. "Yeah! I should hope not! You don't need two girlfriends" she laughed

"Of course not..I've got the best one anyway" he smirked "well let me know how it goes; what new opportunity comes up" she smiled politely. He threw an arm around her, "course I will" he returned the smile.

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