Mr Millionaire

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"Mr Friar are you following me?" I turned my head to look at him slightly, picking up the box he had gestured too and scanning over it "that would be highly inappropriate, Miss Hunter. Can't a man do some simple food shopping?" He smirked

"Not when he has as much money as you do, for some reason I can't see Mr Millionaire choosing to go grocery shopping" I reply "Maybe not..I'm here with Mr Minkus, he's picking up dog food" he chuckled softly

I let the box down into the basket, a small smile on my face "I would hate to see you feeling unwell Miss Hunter, are you picking up Miss Matthews' cold?" He questioned, looking down into my basket

I shook my head "don't worry Mr Friar. I'm feeling okay, these are simply just get well soon presents" I look up to his emerald green eyes, locking my gaze into him

"What's your address Miss Hunter?" He asked "that's rather forward of you.." I smirk, moving down the aisle as he followed along beside me "whenever I'm feeling rather sick, the chef makes this soup that has you feeling better in no time, I can have someone drop some off fresh..if that's what Miss Matthews would enjoy" he replied

"I wouldn't give her another option, otherwise she'd probably offer to have dinner simply on your floor..but that would be very nice of you, Mr Friar, are you sure it's no problem?" I ask politely

" your address?" He pulled his phone out of his coat pocket, opening up a new note and handing it to me. I bit down on my lip, typing in the Address and the apartment number, adding my phone number just below it

"Miss Hunter, what a pleasant surprise" His CFO approached us, standing beside Lucas. I locked the phone, passing it back to him "likewise" I smiled softly to him

"I was just getting her address, I figured Roy could make Miss Matthews some of that soup he makes everyone when we're sick" Lucas explained to him. He nodded "she'll be felling better in no time, it's a life saver" Farkle responded

"Anyway, we must get going. It was nice seeing you again" He added, taking a small step to turn around. I nodded, "you too" I reply, my gaze shifted over to Lucas who had been watching the whole time

"Until Paris, Miss Hunter" He smirked, leaning down to kiss my cheek as you would to great someone. My breath left my throat, no words being able to form in my mouth

"mhm" I manage to get out "until Paris" I breathe quietly. He lets his eyes trail down my outfit one last time, a satisfied look on his face as he turned to follow Farkle through the grocery store

I turned the other way, heading into the opposite corner to avoid the awkward smile as we brush past each other at the check outs, waiting at least 10 minutes to focus on other products before I paid for my items

I got back into my car, heading back home to feed a sick little Riley her food "I saw him again" I say as I entered through the front door of our apartment "saw who?" She looked up confused

"Lucas Friar" I dream "How! All you did was go to a grocery store! Lucas Friar doesn't go grocery shopping!" She hissed. I shrugged, "No, but his friend Farkle Minkus does and Lucas was just with him" I explain

"Did you go up and talk to him?" She asked. I shook my head, "actually..he came up to me" I smiled softly. Her eyes widened, "curse this flu! I wish the Lucas friar was all over me like that" she sighed

"He's having someone drop you off soup, he said it helps him when he's sick" I explained "He's coming over here?!" She almost spat out her hot lemon water. I giggled, "No! He's sending someone to drop it off!" I repeat

She settles down into her sheets again just as I heard a knock on the front door. I smirked, heading over to it and opening it to see a tall man with dark black hair standing in front of me "Miss Hunter?" He questioned

I nodded, "Here you go" he smiled "thank you! Tell Mr Friar I said he's been extremely generous today" I reply. He nodded, "will do, ma'am" he sent me another soft smile before disappearing down the hallway

"I have your soup!" I dangle it over her head, passing her the containers

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