Tell that to the love bites

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"I've missed you! I missed you so much!" Riley burst as I opened the apartment door. I giggled, wrapping my arms around her, "I missed you too, Riles" I reply during our embrace

She slammed the door, pulling me over to the couch, "tell me everything! I want to know everything and don't leave out anything" she smiled. I shrugged, "not much happened" I reply

She rolled her eyes "please, tell that to the love bites on your collarbone" she raised her eyebrows at me. I pulled my hoodie up further to cover them, a small blush forming on my cheeks

"we got there, we didn't really do anything and then we got ready for the show, got our hair and makeup done..we met up with dolce and gabbana, ohh we found our seats and I was just minding my own business and then Isadora was like 'look at that sexy man across from us' and I look up and it was Lucas Friar" I explain

Her jaw dropped, "and then the show went on, everything was fine..we had the after party, I was talking to some man and then I saw Lucas again so I went over to him and flirted with him for a god few minutes then Isadora came over and she was all 'i wanted to let you guys talk but that man got creepy' so Lucas turned his friend around and introduced them two and they practically fell in love..and then we had to go and do an interview so we left and when we got back she was dancing and Lucas' friend, Zay, was watching her so she went over to him and I just stood there drinking my champagne and then this guy came over to me and he was all like saying I wore the right clothes to get his attention and stuff" I screw my face up

"Ew!" Riley spat. I nodded, "but then lucas came over and he told him he was my boyfriend..he took me outside and he gave me his jacket and we stood overlooking the seine river for a few minutes then he walked away and I was like 'where are you going?' And he was like 'well you still want that sixth bottle of wine right?' So I took his hand and he took me back to his hotel room, which can I say was the same size as our apartment, and there was this huge balcony with a fire place and a couch that faced over the Eiffel was so romantic..he bought like every wine so we had like 12 bottles in total because he didn't know what I liked..and then we just talked and got to know each other and then well.." I trail off, a satisfied smirk on my face

"Oh My God. Lucas friar is the one who gave you them!" She widened her eyes. I giggled, "he bought a whole outfit that got delivered the next morning, I mean like Gucci bras and panties and thousand dollar tops and louboutins. Like a full outfit. And we went out the next day for lunch in this fancy ass place and we went to bars as the sun set..Riles it was so beautiful..he took me back to my hotel room that evening and he said he was looking forward to seeing me again.." I dream of the past few days

"You are so smitten! You're so falling for him" she looked to me surprisedly "I am not! He's just sooo..dreamy..perfect.." I hum happily "well I'm going to their office tomorrow morning before work if you wanna come..surprise him.." she smirked

"Why are you going to his office?" I question "to see Farkle, he's got some information on a new article I'm writing about the economic status of America and the decline in sales of literature" she explained

"Yea..I don't understand that..but I'm sure it'll be great" I smile "but anyway, what did you do while I was gone?" I question, my eyes trailing around the apartment

"I wrote, and wrote some more, and then I edited it.." she sighed "you didn't have any Boys over? No fun?" I question with a smirk. She rolled her eyes, "Maya..I'm kinda seeing someone.." she hissed

"Who! Riley Matthews why didn't you tell me!" I gasp "'s Farkle.." she replied. My jaw dropped to the floor, "so you're telling me that your seeing Farkle and isadoras seeing Zay and I'm fucking Lucas..we're doing a whole friend group" I mutter

"Well maybe you two will see each other know, properly" she smiled. I shook my head, "I wish, Riles. I don't think he does relationships though.." I sigh

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