Thats not fair

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Maya sighed a breath of relief as her lunch time had finally rolled around. She picked up her handbag, slinging it over her shoulder for the 10th time that day before stepping into yet another elevator.

She distracted herself on her phone while a few coworkers talked in the small cube, and soon walking toward the beaming light from the open doors of the building.

She wasn't sure what she was in the mood for, she wasn't really hungry. All she wanted was fresh air and to sit somewhere, and to think even more about the subject been on her mind all day.

She thanked the man holding the door open for her, tucking a small strand of hair that the wind blew across her face to be behind her ear as she observed the outside world.

Her eyes landed straight on a man stood not too far away from her in the small courtyard between her building and the main road. He had one hand in his pocket, the other holding his phone as he scrolled through it.

He was wearing a business suit, it was navy with a white shirt underneath. It looked tight around his arms, like it fit his muscles snugly. He looked very formal, very fancy.

Her legs carried her over to him, just in time for him to look up with a kind smile on his face. "What are you doing here?" She returned the small smile, one arm going around him as she leant her head on his chest to hug him, his arm snaking around her back briefly too.

"You were upset, I came to see what's wrong" he stated, kissing the girls forehead. "You came all this way..just because I was upset?" She raised her eyebrows. "Of course..Do you want to get something to eat..are you hungry?" He questioned

She shook her head, "not really..I was just going to go to the park and..wallow.." she confessed with a small laugh. He chuckled as well, "we can do that" he nodded, leading her jsut down the road to Central Park.

They found a bench in the warm sun, it was nice and it soothed her. It wasn't super hot that you would sweat, it was a comfortable warmth. She let the rays lift her mood. "So..what happened?" He broke her from her thoughts.

She shrugged, "it's really didn't need to come all this way" she stated awkwardly. "Stop" he smiled "you can say..if you want to, you don't have to tell me, of course" he added.

She reached into her handbag, pulling out and handing the man the cardboard invite. He took it, reading over it quickly, a sympathetic look on his face "I knew it was coming. Just didn't think it was so soon" she huffed.

"What part is making you sad? Is it that he's getting married or is it that you've been invited" he questioned. "That I've been invited. I couldn't care less if he was getting married" she sassed

"Just after that dinner..the thought of seeing him again and being there..I really don't want to go. And I never told Riley about it so she doesn't know, I called her to say I wasn't keen and she insisted, she said that it would be nice and that she's really excited for it.." she started

"..which just makes it harder to not go..and I wouldn't even have a proper excuse to give them either. I just think that getting the invite, it made me anxious and then after speaking to Riley I just felt I got worked up and stressed about something that's not even for months" she half laughed at the end.

"Well if you have Riley, will it be that bad? Could you just stay with her?" He asked, the same sympathetic look on his face. "No. Because her invite was addressed to Riley and Farkle. And mine says no plus ones" she huffed.

A smile grew on his face, he found it funny how spiteful Josh was of him. "Oh thank god. I was wondering if I was going to have to go. But no, Just you" he teased. Her jaw fell wide, a laugh escaping her lips that was mixed with her eyes brimming with tears "hey! That's not fair" she laughed.

"Maybe you should tell Riley then..about what happened in the bathroom that day. You Clearly don't want to go and you're clearly worked up over it. If it's causing you this much anxiety now then imagine how you'll feel on the day. And if it's Riley and Farkle going then you'll have to tag along, and that will make you feel worse" he suggested.

She sucked in a breath "I don't knowwww" she whined. "I just want the whole thing to go away. I don't want to talk to Riley. I don't want to talk to Josh, I just want to Not go" she added.

"I know baby.." he stroked the back of her head "and you can't even go so I'll be alone and it'll just be 100 times worse, and what if he tries something again like in the just makes me..scared. He obviously didn't tell his fiancé about it so I would just feel guilty, and feel like I've done something wrong. But I haven't" she leant into his touch

"I just want the whole thing to go away" she whispered. He watched the girl sympathetically, he felt bad for her. She was obviously struggling with the idea of going, and she had let herself obsess over it all morning. And talking to Riley seemed to only make it worse for her.

"Come here.." he draped his arm round her shoulder, moving the small girl closer to him, her head on his shoulder "it was really sweet of you to come see if I was okay.." she spoke up after a few moments.

"It's my job" he replied simply. She smiled to herself, the lovey dovey feeling inside of her mixing with the anxious side. They kept talking on the subject for a little while longer, her saying how she didn't want to go, and him saying he understands.

He had walked her back over to her work building as her lunch break came to an end "I wish I could fix this for you" he stopped to say bye as they hugged briefly.

She sighed, "I wish you could even more" she mumbled. "Alright..try not to think about it..I love you" he tilted her chin up, kissing her lips sweetly. She nodded gently, "I love you too" she whispered, leaving his side.

Lucas watched the blonde walk back into her building, heading back across the street to his parked dark blue Rolls Royce.

He got inside, and after he had joined the traffic, he scrolled through his phone until he found a specific contact, letting the sound ring through his car. It soon connected

"Let me spoke to Maya" A voice beamed through the line with a half laugh. He returned it, "Hey Riley.." he started.

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