and you are?

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My alarm beeped loudly from beside me, waking me up from my once peaceful sleep, dragging me back to the real world. I groan, reaching to press the stop button and pushing myself up from the warm sheets

I climb into the shower tiredly, letting the heated water trickle down my body at an attempt to wake me up. It worked, stepping out of the shower once I was finished, wrapping a towel around my body

"I'm thinking this..or this.." Riley met me by the bathroom door, holding up two different outfits "absolutely not" i glance over the librarian looking pencil skirts and floral blouses "Maya! I'm a journalist you have to look smart!" She sighed

"And I'm a fashion designer! I wouldn't be caught dead in that top, even if I was dead" I throw back at her, opening up my wardrobe "I will wear these, now leave while I decide what else" I usher her out the room, taking a pair of black pantsuit trousers from her

She leaves willingly, turning back to my wardrobe, I sift through the tops until I find a bright red lace bodysuit, one on the more PG side which covered my nipples unlike a few of the others. I put it on, layering the black dress pants over the top and finishing the look with a matching black unbuttoned blazer

I slipped on Red louboutin heels, opening the door for Riley to see my outfit "Maya!" She hissed "you cant wear a lace bodysuit to an interview with the CEO of one of the biggest companies in New York!" She sighed

"Riley, I'm wearing this. They aren't going to care what I wear, some creepy 50 year old man is just going to have to keep his eyes off, okay?" I reply. She chuckled "yea right..50.." she muttered under her breath

"Now I'm going to do my makeup and hair and then you can decide how it all looks" I brush past her to the bathroom, brushing my teeth and applying basic makeup like foundation and all that, finishing with angelic winged liner and glossy pink lips. I curled my hair into symmetrical waves, spraying myself in a layer of Coco Chanel before emerging to her cuddled up on the couch

"Okay I take it back, you look amazing" she sniffled, her tone blocked by her nose "thank the recorder and the notepad..anything else..?" I question, picking them up and putting them into my handbag

She shook her head, "just try not to swear..and don't hit on him.." she begged. "Riley I'm not a hooker I'm not hitting on some old rich man. And fuck you, my language is perfectly acceptable" I smirk "Maya" she replied simply as if she was warning me

I chuckled, "get well soon, Dorothy" I head for the door, opening and closing it behind me, making my way down to my car. I climb inside the cold vehicle, turning it on and hearing the engine revving

I smirk, pulling out of the carpark, making my way over to the prestigious sky rise building that she texted me the address too. I pulled up to the valet outside, chucking the man my keys "be careful, if I find anything out of place then I will know!" I warn him

"y-yes ma'am" he stuttered, a worried look over his face. I smirked, heading inside the building and following the signs telling me to go to the top floor. I stood in the elevator silently, my eyes trailing around the questionable patterned wallpaper.

I reached the top floor, the elevator pinging just as the doors opened, allowing me to step out to the reception "and you are?" The lady smiled to me "Riley Matthews" I replied with a soft smile

She looked over her laptop screen, her eyes returning up to me "Mr Friar will be ready for you shortly Miss Matthews, you may wait over there" she pointed to a rather large secluded waiting room.

I nodded, making my way over gracefully, pulling out my phone as I sat in the seats, sending Riley a picture of the Empire State Building I saw from one side and Central Park from the other

She gawked over the image, jealousy being sent through the phone making me giggle to myself quietly..

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