There's been a shooting

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Farkle practically carried me down to his car, getting me inside and turning on the ignition. He sped down the roads, following the sirens of the ambulances that took him away. He pulled out his phone, I sat beside him listening to him

"There's been a shooting, you need to get to the hospital...yea I'm fine..I'm with Maya I'm taking her..yes she's fine too..No he isn't, that's why we are going...okay..see you.." and with that, he hung up

I let tears fall from my eyes silently, everything blurring into one big haze until the car stopped again, pulling up outside of the hospital. I unbuckled myself, almost running over to the front doors with Farkle close behind

I watched as they wheeled Lucas in, his eyes barely open "stay with me, Mr Friar your doing good..keep your eyes open come on.." I heard a nurse frantically rush as they took him down hallways quickly

Farkle went and talked to the front desk while I sat in the reception, my hands completely covered in dried red blood. He soon sat beside me silently, his eyes watching the floor "will he be okay.." I whisper

"Lucas won't give up. Not without a fight. He's the strongest person I know" he stated determinedly. I sucked in a breath "what are they doing with him" I ask "he's in surgery. They're gonna have to remove the bullets as well as give him more blood" he explained

"oh Farkle..I just wanna see him" I mumble, leaning my head on his shoulder. His hand made its way up to my arm, holding me securely beside him. After what felt like forever, Riley rushed through the doors with a worried look on her face

"What happened! Why were you at their office.." she sat beside me, tucking a strand of hair behind my ear "Uh..I-I went over because it was lunch..and after like two minutes of me being there a loud alarm went off. He looked worried..he asked someone if it was real..I guess he meant if it was real or a drill..h-he told me to get under his desk a-and I did..he got a gun from his drawer..someone came into the office and then they started shooting each other..he shot him and he said he hates rich people..t-then shot him again..he left and I called the police" I explained

"So Lucas didn't get him?" Riley furrowed her eyebrows. I shook my head "no" I mumble. Farkle sighed, "there was more then one shooter, Maya..Lucas did get one of them..but there was two people in his office. he must've missed the guy that talked to him..but the other shooter is also in surgery" he stated

I sat quietly for a few minutes, tears leaking from my eyes again, "I wanna see him riles.." I mutter. She placed a hand on my knee before standing up "let's go get you washed up..having his blood on your hands isn't hygienic" she tried to help me up

I shook my head, "N-no what if something happens to him?" I question. "I'll come and get you before, I promise. Maya the surgery is going to take hours..he won't be awake until later" Farkle placed a hand on my back, pushing me gently

I sighed, following Riley over to the bathroom without replying to him. I let her put the soap on my hands, letting her massage the blood away with warm water while I stood there uselessly. I looked in the mirror, my makeup was everywhere.

Once she was done I dried my hands, wetting paper towels to remove the mascara and foundation from my face until I was makeup free "ready?" She asked softly. I nodded, following her back out to the waiting room

I let her sit beside Farkle while I sat watching the door intently, waiting for the doctors to walk through "the doctors said that bullet removal surgery is about an hour long..with him having two it'll take longer..and then it takes about an hour for him to wake up from the anaesthetic" he stated

I nodded, "but he's okay?" I ask. He shrugged his shoulders, "we..we don't know yet" he sighed sadly

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