I've got an idea

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Maya rolled out of bed on a Sunday morning, making Riley and herself a cup of coffee before climbing into her best friends bed to debrief on the week.

They spoke about a few bits on work, small chatter about Lucas and Farkle here and there, the wedding and her holiday. Just everything. It had been a week since they went out for lunch with the boys

Yesterday maya had went around with Lucas while he had a few things to get done, then chilling out for the afternoon on the couch with a glass of wine. She returned home last night to Riley making dinner for the two, and spent the night in bed with her favourite tv show.

Today they were going to go shopping. For Christmas. And all four of them were confused. Farkle and Lucas weren't coming with them, but they didn't know what to get the girls, and the girls didn't know what to get them.

Maya huffed, "what do you get someone who's got a million dollars and can buy 100 of whatever I get him" she whined. Riley giggled, "I know..it's the same with Farkle. He doesn't use anything that requires being bought..I just have no clue" she shared her friend's frustration

Atleast it was easier for the boys, they could pick anything and the two would love it. Jewellery, perfume, anything. All Lucas knew was no clothes, definitely no clothes. She's too picky.

They soon got up and got ready for the day, before walking and browsing through a few stores. Nothing in them looked like something Lucas would use. It's the same as what Riley said,

He doesn't 'use' anything. He doesn't need 10 different perfumes and hundreds of handbags, multiple bracelets. He doesn't need anything.

"Do you like this?" Riley held up a top to the blonde. They were in Louis Vuitton. Maya shrugged, "its alright..not sure it's very Farkle" she replied. Riley put it back on the rail, moving to the next area of the store.

Maya felt her phone vibrate in her pocket, picking it out with a small smile "hey babe" she answered happily "hi love..what ya doin?" He questioned his girlfriend

"Shopping..for Christmas.." Maya sighed "do you want anything..? I literally have no idea what to get someone who's got everything" she added. He half chuckled, "I don't want you to get me anything. Don't get anything" he replied.

Maya trailed over a few other things, she wasn't even in the men's section. That's how much she knew she wasn't going to find anything "No I do, if we're doing this whole Christmas thing...and plus it's nice..and I want to..I jsut don't know what" she explained.

"Then get the cheapest thing you can find" he smirked from down the line. She rolled her eyes playfully "you are no help! None" she replied.

He half laughed again, "I know..well what do you want?" He questioned. She turned to follow Riley out the store, "I don't know..but I'm easy..anything shiny and pretty.." she stated.

"Yeah that's true..I've got a few ideas anyway" he was at his, waiting for Farkle to arrive. They were going to do the same as the girls, shop. "So..anything..any ideas?" She pushed.

"Sorry baby, don't want anything" he replied. Maya rolled her eyes once again with a huff "fine. I've got to go..bye" she mumbled. He chuckled "love you" he smirked, disconnecting the line.

"So was he any help?" Riley looked over to her friend. Maya shook her head no, "Of course not. He said he doesn't want anything. Which is what everyone who doesn't know what they want says" she walked beside her, moving few a few shops.

"And if I buy him anything expensive, he would be able to buy something 5x more expensive then that. So what's the point" she added. Riley agreed, the joys of having rich boyfriends.

Farkle soon arrived at Lucas' apartment, meeting the man over on the couch "alright..I've got an idea of what we can get the girls.." he started with a smile. Lucas nodded, "Ok good because I just told her I had an idea but I have no clue..I've already bought the most expensive necklace in New York" he joked, listening to his friends idea.

"Well. I think you're going to like it" he smirked.

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