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She thought of herself like the structures of ancient Rome - time had not been on her side. Wars have raged on within these once dominating walls, and with each forward charge a piece would break off. Walls that were once suffocating now cease to exist. Evidence of the hells that decimated the only sanctuary that was known now tattered and scarred. Harsh winds whip through the chambers, dust filling each crevice from the crumbled plaster.

Unwanted visitors, strangers who pretended to worship only to trash a once sacred place. She ached, If the halls were filled with those who needed shelter there would be no need to destroy it's unique workings. This structure held a purpose.

However it was wielding power that it was not designed to hold. A facade of a much stronger and adept structure, built to withstand the hurricanes of people that ripped through. Yet it was the safe haven of lost souls.

Just like all vagrants the stories that were spun hung like gossamer across her eyes. How dark the hallway became from chambers that once glittered with warm candle flames. Over time they became engulfed by the kiss of fire. Over and over more she tried to suffocate the flames - To allow the embers to simmer and gently fade out. Yet over and over and over again the heat and smoke grew, only to suffocate her.

- baffling stone structure unearthed, march 2023 -

She is choosing to rebuild.

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