open letter

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To whom it may concern,

The nature of this letter is to plead my case to the cosmos, and hope the answer they return is fair. For you see, I have lost my way amongst the stars. I'll admit it was quite silly to up and run away through the clouds. There was this sparkle, right? High up in the sky. I was so desperate to be a part of that sparkle that wrong turns were made. Now, there is a battle.

Asteroids, particles, man made wares shoot past me as I float, desperately reaching for any grounding source. My fingers graze multiple items. I even manage to grab smaller items to weigh me down, slowing the trajectory to crash landing. However, cosmos, I am struggling. What I thought was a sparkle was a black hole. She was convincing and had me fooled that this sparkle was special. Now, I am desperate to not be pulled in.

When does exploring unknowns become capturing what we wish to own? Or racing towards a completion point that one can never cross? I'm trying to come back to this plane again. Aircrafts are circling below ready to open arms wide, seeking to protect and maintain some semblance of wholeness. Definition differences make this rescue difficult.

Am I falling, or is this a glide down? Please teach me to traverse instead of tumble. Give me a blueprint so I may navigate. Mazes in haunted houses have more direction than this life. Yet bound and determined, I've learned no one else can navigate like me. This is why we are here, twirling through the ether of stardust and vacuous space. And why I am now asking for a hand, a guidance to put together what pieces have been blasted in to the universe. What pieces there are left of me.


From the one that is concerned

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