part 1 : chapter 14

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Wow, technology had been developing really fast.

It's really fascinating, how we can fly and have this much space.

It's even doesn't do a lot of noises.

The seat is also comfy.

I feel so overjoyed to be able to see this and experience it.

It's feel unreal.

- Vater, how did you know who she was, you died before she was born ?

Reich talked to me, I should respond.

- it's because of the flag.

- stop, confusing me and tell me !

I handed over the letter for him to see.

- you see, next to each name,there's their flags.

- oh, now I understand.

I am happy.

This moment feel like a dream.

Me and my son sitting next to each other in a unbelievable big plane.

On our way to Moscow, to see RE and USSR.

But why do Reich hate USSR ?

- Reich, why do you hate USSR ? Did he do something to you ?

- I hate him because he is a communist.

- I understand, if you fear communist but hating it , isn't this too extreme ?

- NO, because communism was created by marxism and it was a Jewish strategy to subjugate Germany and the world !

- but USSR isn't strong enough to take over the world ?

- Vater, you don't comprehend Bolsheviks existed to serve " Jewish international finance" !

- who told you that !?

- everyone !

- Reich, you shouldn't hate people just because of your political views.

- but Jews are greedy and liars.

- ah, my son, the act of hating a whole group of people never end up well, you are just adding enemies needlessly. So just stop it.

- but..

- just shut up and think about what you said !

I hate being harsh to him but he has to learn his wrongs .

Pov(third Reich)

Why is Vater, so mad towards this ?

I don't see the problem.

I only said the truth.

Jews are money hungry bastard's.



Yes, they were well off during the great depression while people starved in the streets.

And they also complained during the war..., That's it ?

Why are there so little reason ?

I am sure , I am right.

Everyone agreed to me .

So I am right by default.

Am I really in the wrong ?

No, no it's impossible.

I had so many followers.

We were in the majority by contrast we are in the right.

But is it really true ?

Did I really hated others for nothing ?

And what about my revenge ?

Was I delusional ?

Am I the bad guy ?

No, no,no it's can't be.

All I want is the prosperity of the German people.

I don't want the contrary.

They were so sad.

I had to do something.

So, I rose up to the top , declared wars and neglected everything else.

Did everything I did was for nothing in the end ?

So, I was in the wrong.

Dear reader,

Don't forget to not support Nazism, and don't hate people without knowing them.

This chapter may be short but it has character development.

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