Chapter 6 - Glitching

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"So you don't need a shooter then?" Hobie asks as we swing through his city. We was now wearing his mask of course. I didn't have the pleasure, seeing as my suit was basically ruined. "No, I don't. I make it in me. That might seem useful, but they're made of my blood and iron. So I have to eat way more meat than most. Sometimes even iron supplements" I say as I swing. "So is it like... Warm?" Miles asks with a disturbed look.

"Hm. Never really payed attention to that. I'd assume so." I concluded with a smile. "So where are we going? Can't we just go to another universe?" Miles questioned. "Lila can track anyone in any universe anywhere. Our best bet is to hide in the most confusing city in the multiverse." Hobie recalls.

We were following Hobie for about 10 minutes and my arms were getting tired and achy. "Don't worry, petal. We're almost there." He says as he notices my swings getting more and more delayed. I cringe a little at the nickname.

When we finally arrive at our destination, Hobie takes his mask off again. "No cameras here" he says, putting his face piercings back on. We were under a large bridge riddled with graffiti. It was surrounded my various abandoned slums and mostly shredded propaganda.

Miles then piped up. "So... I do need to get back to my universe. I need to save my dad!" Miles says. He seems very serious. "Your dad is in danger?" I ask. A surge of emotion washes over me as I remember my own father. "The Spot is gonna kill him in two days." He says. He seems to have a lot of built up emotion and anger behind his voice.

I open my mouth to respond to this newly found fact, questioning how the hell he knew that, when it hit. The first glitch.

When I tried to move a limb one way, it would try to bend another way. I tried to cry out but the noise made was broken and ungodly. And the pain. My god, the pain. It was torturous, stabbing. Like every atom inside me were shredding into their components. After a couple seconds, I went back to normal. I was panting, holding my chest like Miles did back in Hobies apartment.

"My god that hurt!" I exclaimed. I cough a little. Miles rubs my back and winces a little. Hobie tried to be supportive and places the blanket on my head, covering my face. "Why'd you do that?"
"In case you got shame, innit"

I pull the blanket off my head but I do tie it around my waist seeing as I was wearing shorts. "So let's go save your dad I guess" I smile. "Before... You know... I disintegrate entirely"

Miles gives his arm to Hobie who grabs his hand and begins using the watch. "You 1610 right?" He asks. Miles nods slightly. When the portal opens, we all start walking towards it.

I'm not sure what his universe is gonna look like, but I hope it's pretty.

As Miles enters the portal, both mine and Hobie's spider senses yell BEHIND YOU! Making me whip around to see what the hell was going on. I scoff and roll my eyes as that's where Dad 2.0 stood, hands on his hips and a mean scowl. God, I much prefer OG Dad. He definitely wouldn't stop me from jumping between universes to save some random kids dad. He was cool like that.

The portal was getting smaller and smaller, so I rushed Hobie through it. He protested as I push him. "I'm gonna go through directly after you! Go! Wait for me!" I hiss. I shove him through the toddler sized portal. As I shoot my web to swing in, Dad 2.0 throws something at my feet. All I acknowledge is that it's red and silver, and it's beeping.

Like magic, a massive red forcefield surrounds me, snapping the web connecting me to the other universe. The portal closes. My heart drops as I realise I don't have a watch.

I stand on the middle of the forcefield looking around, looking for any weak points, anything. I take a deep breath as I prepare to charge up the energy and compress it down to my fist. I hadn't technically fully recharged from the last time, but I knew the risks.

"Stop. What are you doing?" Miguel asks, hands still on his hips. He carried an annoyed expression.

"The hell is this thing? I'm not a prisoner!" I yell, baring my teeth. My canines were quite pointed, so I was hoping I'd freak him out or something. He laughs deeply at my attempt to be scary.

"You can't try to intimidate me while wearing a very large jumper and a blanket around your waist" he says, shrugging.

I was about to say some snide but probably brilliant remark back when I glitched again. This time it lasted a little longer. Miguel looked away, but was otherwise unfazed. "God, I hate this universe. Come with me, then." He coughs a little and starts dragging the forcefield with me in it, like a giant hamster ball.

"Before what? You're weak."
"For you to insult me I'd need to care about your opinion first."
"God you're such a brat!"

I gasp in offense.


"The portal just closed!" Hobie yelled, squinting at where it used to be. Miles was behind him, looking at the snapped iron web on the ground.



A/N: Let me know if you want me to make you and Hobie a thing cuz I will TOTALLY do that no questions asked.

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