Chapter 11 - Recurrences

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I shrieked and jumped back in surprise as he spoke behind me. "Y/n I need you to come back to HQ." He says, his voice low. He was not playing. "Well I'm sorry but she's not up for grabs, Miggy" Hobie says darkly, stepping in front of me slightly. It was a tiny step, but I noticed. "YEAH!" I yell, trying to add to his sass. Both Hobie AND Dad 2.0 looked at me with one eyebrow cocked. I could almost hear the unamused "seriously?".

"Well, last I checked, your web shooters aren't in use at the moment, Hobart. So either you move or I'll just go through you." Dad 2.0 said. The red glint in his eyes burnt brighter and darker. He was pointing with his massive hand into his chest.

Hobie tutted. "You're a rude old man. Takin a lady without her consent? Thought you had class, mate" Dad 2.0 scrunched his nose and rolled his eyes. I was just kind of standing there, feeling super awkward with this tension right in front of me. It was so thick I could barely breathe. I stuffed my hands in my pockets and tapped on Hobies shoulder.

"I think it's better we go, yeah? Let's not piss off the double decker bus" I whisper in his ear. "Was enjoyin myself, but whatever makes you smile, princess" he chuckles and smiles widely. "You little-"

I was about to shoot a web to get away but a large, thick red web attached itself to my wrists. "The fuck?" I begin to say when Dad 2.0 began to walk towards me. "Listen, I won't even keep you for long... it'll be like... a day! I'll even consider forgiving you for betraying me literally hours into getting into HQ" He says. His voice was no longer loud, he was speaking slowly, calmly, yet still stern and dark. Hobie turns to me and then back to Dad 2.0. Then back to me.

"I don't trust him."

"I know you don't. But do you trust me?"

"Tch. I guess, yeah"

Dad 2.0 rolls his eyes at our conversation we were having about him. He crossed his arms and sassily taps his feet, annoyed.


I lean in to whisper in Hobie's ear. "I'm gonna go".
"YOU WHAT?" He yells, making me flinch away, so he doesn't burst my damn eardrum. "Hey! I am on a schedule, Spiders." Dad 2.0 grumbles, rolling his eyes again. "You shut up!" I yell at him, pointing at his forehead. He let out a low growl and bit his lip, presumably so he doesn't yell at either of us. "Listen, Hobie, you need to go find Miles before SOMETHING happens to him." I try to explain. Hobie was listening, but he clearly wasn't happy. I reassuringly place my hand on his shoulder.

"Do you trust me?"

He leans down to whisper in my ear again. "Go burn the place down." He whispers with a smirk.

I step back towards Dad 2.0. "30 minutes." I say bluntly, crossing my arms to mock him. "30-! I... Ugh FINE" He groans, throwing his arms in the air then to his side. I opens another portal and basically pushes me through it, but I did manage to give Hobie one more look before entering.


I sat on a spinning chair in his office, spinning round and round and round and round... Dad 2.0 was typing on his computer, and had been for the past 10 minutes. "20 minutes left, old man" I say, sighing. I looked at my watch again. He had slapped a "day-pass" on my wrist to stop my glitching (which was much appreciated) and didn't say a single word. He didn't even yell at me when I was whistling again.

He was showing small nervous mannerisms my dad did, hesitating to find keys on the keyboard when I know for a fact he could type with his eyes closed, biting his nails and not to mention doing the strange clicking his shoulder thing over and over again when he rolls it. He was actually a lot like my real dad with his small mannerisms that I notice.

"So what's your deal? You should know me seeing you like this only hurts me more, right?" I ask, still spinning in my chair, only slower. He finally turns his head and looks at me. "Lila found a recurrence in the Multiverse." He says, looking at me with those dull red eyes.

"Like a canon event but... different. It's something that must happen every universe every time. But not always related to Spiderman. It's weird." He grumbled and turns back to his computer. I stop myself from spinning by pressing my foot to the table next to me. "Okay..."

I stand and walk towards him my walking all wobbly. "So what's this got to do with me?" I ask. "Every universe where you and I exist together at the same time, we always meet. Every time. I mean, at times it's not even me being your dad. Which is incredibly confusing." He doesn't look at me once, but he does point at the screen.

There are many small pictures on screen, of me and him in almost every situation imaginable. Me as a patient and him as a doctor, me as a student and him as the teacher, and then my universe where he's my dad. "So do you reckon that's why you met me? Not just a coincidence that stray Doc Oc wound up in my universe?" I look at him, trying to force eye contact.

"No clue."


A/N: Sorry for the slow updates, I have school 😅

Anyway, now the proper plot is kicking in, so get ready for action, romance and TEARS 💃🕺💥

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