Chapter 9 - Bag Girl

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I lay in the middle of a sidewalk in New York (that's what they call Empire City in this universe), panting and laughing. Hobie whipped off his mask, crackling uncontrollably. "That was well cool" He smirks and holds his fist to me. I look at it confused. Hobie squints and grabs my wrist, balling my hand into a fist. He bumped it with his. "No fist bumps in your universe. Weird." He says. We are still sitting in the middle of the street.

I stand up, and offer my hand to his. He scoffs and stands on his own, dusting off his jacket.
"Right. Here does Miles live?" I ask.
"I dunno."
"I mean I don't know!"
"You're his friend!"

I let out a small scream of frustration and held my face in my hands.

"Okay. If Miles is gonna be anywhere, he'll be wherever the next villain attacks as Spider-Man. So we wait." I say, trying to reason. "Yeah alright... alright. We wait." Hobie says, stuffing his hands in his pockets. "We should probably get out the road, eh?" He says bluntly.

"I'm gonna need a new Spidersuit eventually. As nice as your hoodie and shorts are, I need to go back to my universe at some point."

We begin to walk through the streets of New York. There were some familiar things, like one of the Statue of Liberties. It was pretty cool, there were some CRAZY landscapes. Hobie seemed completely unbothered by everything. He seemed to be scoffing and judging everyone and everything. He had his usual snarky face on.

It didn't take much walking around to find a villain. He was some kind of armadillo?

"So should we wait or like... help?" I whisper up at Hobie. "Well I dunno if Miles is gonna be around cuz of all the father stuff and whatnot, you know?"

We look at each other.
"Let's wait."

After a few minutes it was clear Miles wasn't coming. They used slightly different currency here so I had to ask some random dude for his lunch bag. It was very embarrassing.

Hobie was cackling the entire time as I was wearing a hoodie, shorts and a random paper bag on my head. I know this technically isn't my dimension, but what if there's another Y/n in this one who is put in danger because I recklessly swing around with the same face? I wouldn't do that to poor other me!

Luckily I don't need a crummy web shooter like Hobie does so I quickly managed to incapacitate the weak villain quickly. I did a quick bow at the applauding audience. "Bag girl!" They chanted.

"BAG GIRL?!" I yell. Hobie walked up behind me with his mask on. "You're getting emotional, love" whip round to him. "EMOTIONAL?!"

"Good job. Come on" he mutters and leads me away. Once we got into an alleyway, I took my paper bag off.

He laughs and ruffles my hair. "You hairs messed up"
"You just made it worse!"

I sigh and swing with him wrapped around me to the top of the Empire State building so we could get a better look at the city. We had one close call when I glitched mid swing, but I managed to catch both myself and Hobie.

"I had a Hobie in my universe" I say, while kicking my legs hanging off the side of the building. "Really? Was he anywhere near as cool as me?" He asked, chuckling. "Well he wasn't cool. He was a villain called The Prowler."

"Holy shit, really?" He said, running his hand through his hair. His smile was gone.

"Yeah. I'm sorry to say he isn't alive anymore." I say, shrugging. "It's alright, he sounds like an asshole" he says, smiling. "Did you know him before the uh... villainy?"
"We went to high school together. We were kinda friends, but not really. Like, we knew each other and asked for pens and stuff." I shrug. "I miss him sometimes."

"I wish I was the one you missed. I know I'd miss you too." Hobie says nonchalantly. He wasn't even looking at me when he said it, just straight ahead. His words did make me feel happy though. "You're sweet" I smile brightly at him.



Miguel's POV

"Lila we need to find them, please." I say to my AI assistant. "We already have a team stationed in 1610, Miguel." Lila crosses her arms and sits in an invisible chair midair. "Or do you want to go because of..."



A/N: Cute Hobie moment for you simps

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