Chapter 12 - Can't buy Italy

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"Does this mean anything? Why is this important?" I ask. He holds his face in his hands. "We are supposed to LIKE EACH OTHER in every universe too. That's the problem, Spider!" He yells into his hands. "If we dont, I'm scared something bad is gonna happen!" He says. His face was filled with something other than exasperation: genuine concern.

"Well however big the multiverse is, it can't force proximity." I say, crossing my arms. I raise one eyebrow and lean on one leg. Dad 2.0 turns to face me. "I can." He says. "If you don't want to, I'll have to make you." He says. He was obviously not kidding.

"And that's gonna make me like you?" I ask. "That's the aim." He grumbled darkly.

"Well it isn't gonna fucking work if you keep me captive here, is it?!" I yell, shocked at his audacity. "I DUNNO HOW THIS WORKS" He snaps back. "Why are you yelling at me?!" I scream back stepping closer. He tuts and looks away, swinging his leg. "You yelled first" I could hear him mutter.

"So how long will this whole... bonding thing take. Like... we have a multiversal threat over in Miles' universe apparently." I say, also kicking my legs around, and sitting back in my chair. "I dunno. What..." he sighs. "What do you like to eat?" He asks, still not making eye contact. "Inviting me to dinner? Who gave you THAT expert advice, Dad 2.0?" I laugh.

He finally turns to look at me. "Fine! I'll pick! Me vas a volver loca!" He says. I groan again and sit in the chair. "I guess I like Italian."
"That's a whole fucking country pick a food"
"I'M BEING CIVIL, JERK" I cry. God, this guy is impossible. "Fine! I'll just order a whole country, will I?!" He asks. "Well seeing how much stuff you break and how big this fucking building is, I bet you could!" I shoot back, seething.


"What do you like on pizza?" He asks, now speaking quietly, looking down at a phone. "I dunno. Classic meat feast I guess? Sausage, pepperoni, ham, bacon. OOOH I love bacon!" I say. "Meat eater, huh?" He asks. His face wasn't actively angry anymore. He was less tense. "My webs are made of iron. I need my meat!" I say, mimicking shooting a web without actually doing so, with a small added noise effect. He looks over for a second and then looks back at his phone. "It'll be here soon." He grumbled, then sits back down.

I swing in my chair, making it creak. "Careful." He warns. I manage to swing so far back I fall over. "Jesus Christ." He says, still looking at his computer. "Good?" He asks, looking over at me on the floor.

"Peachy" I say, rubbing my back and lower neck. "I said be careful." He says, looking at me with a small smirk. "And I chose to ignore you." I reply, smiling sarcastically.

"Why're you making this hard?" He stands slowly and begins to walk towards me on the floor. "That's what she said." I say. It wasn't a funny joke, definitely not. But I said it anyway because I have a terrible habit of making bad jokes at the wrong time. Dad 2.0 looks at me, incredibly confused. "I'm just being myself. Take it or leave it, old man"

He looks down at me. His thick eyebrows are furrowed, but not in an annoyed way. I catch a glint of something in his red eyes. I begin to feel bad. "Okay, listen." I begin to stand. "Let's start anew. I'm Y/n O'Hara and my superhero name is Monarch. And you?" I hold up my hand to him. He grabs it forcefully and yanks me up. "Miguel O'Hara."

I hum in satisfaction. "So uh... how old are you, kid?" He asks, seemingly trying to diffuse tension. "Turning 17 soon." I say, giving a crooked smile. He looks at me, studying my face. "Can you drive?" He says. He didn't seem to interested in this stuff, just asking for the sake of it.

"I CAN drive. Does NOT mean I should." I say, laughing. He doesn't laugh back. He looks down at the ground, then back up to meet my eyes. "I had a daughter. She wasn't anything like you, though." He says, looking deeply into my face. "I had a dad. He wasn't anything like you, either." I shrug. "We are total strangers here. Only brought together by the forces of the Multiverse. It's weird." Dad 2.0 says. He has a small smile on his face.


I look over to the door. "Pizza man is here." I say.

"Miguel your pizza is here" I could hear a woman say over his watch.

"How did you- oh yeah."


A/N: Shorter episode, and a filler. Sorry guys! But it's full of dialogue that I think is quite funny to make up for it?

Father bonding time for you traumatised teens reading?

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