Chapter 22 - Broken

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Shit. How am I even meant to make this choice? A child or a civilian?

Child. No, civilian! But, he's a fucking kid. But he's a fucking innocent!

My brain was stormed with thoughts, even though things were happening in a matter of milliseconds. The choice was ripping me in half and I couldn't think.

Falling, falling...

Fuck it.


I squeeze my eyes shut and shoot my web into the cop's chest. This hurt. He'll be fine, right? He'll be fine, this fall is totally survivable. For a Spider, anyway. Maybe?

I shoot my other hand against the building to catch us both. I just about prevented his doom and he rested on the pavement. I jump down.

"Sir, are you alright?" I ask, not needing to deepen my voice. He looked frantic, panicked, even. "Sir? Are you okay?" I ask more persistently.

"Spiderman?!" He asks, looking at me. I paused for a moment. "A Spiderwoman? THERE'S MORE OF YOU AGAIN?" He yells. I try calming him down and helping him up.

"Sir, it's dangerous here! You must go." I say firmly. "I appreciate the attempt at help, but I can't have any casualties. Please trust us."

The man panted and held his forehead, which was bleeding lightly. "Sir, I really need you to listen to me!" I urge.

He nods quickly and runs down the street. The second he does so, I frantically look around for Miles. A pit formed in my stomach and I couldn't breathe due to all the dust and debris this guy was knocking about. I was tired, I was hot and I certainly did not want to see a friend die.

I rush to the piles of debris, lazily lumped into a large pile and I begin to dig around, feeling for vibrations or anything to indicate life beneath it.

I hear groaning and relief fills my stomach and I run towards the noises, hoping to god it's Miles. I see Hobie, kneeled over him, broken.


He was sprawled across the pavement. Alive, conscious. But broken.


It was my fault. I ran to him and knelt next to Hobie. He looked up at me, his mask no longer covering his features. He smiled, simply smiled. "Miles..." I whispered. "I'm so sorry." I say breathlessly.

He painfully reached his hand up to my shoulder. He continues to simply smile. "My dad..." I groan. "Thank you" he choked, blood slowly oozing from his mouth.

That man was Miles' dad, the resemblance was there. Tears well in my eyes. "He's safe, Miles. He's safe. He's worried for you" I say, trying not to allow my voice to waver. I nod and hold his hand. "And you are going to be fine. He's going to be fine, right Hobie?" I ask, turning to him my eyes wide.

He looks back, his eyebrows furrowed. I couldn't even tell what he was feeling. "Hobie, talk to me. He's going to be alright." I repeat firmly. He opens his mouth to speak but doesn't. My stomach falls once again, the relief I felt before draining from me.

All feeling I had before was shaken out when I heard maniacal, distorted cackling from above.


A/N: Guess who's back. Back again.

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⏰ Last updated: May 27 ⏰

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