Chapter 17 - Deadline

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Hobie's POV

I was sitting on top of a building with my boy Miles. His hair was kind of singed after a massive fight we just had with some Spidermen. New York, despite it being a city built by slaves, is quite nice. To look at anyway.

Not that I'd admit that to some American.

Our legs were idly swinging off the edge of some big building. Miles says he comes there a lot. I like it though, I can see my reflection in the window. I look good today, even if my hair is weirdly crooked after being smacked by some Spidermen. People. Spiderpeople.

I couldn't help but think about Y/n.


Not her or nothing, just the fact I'm thinking about her. I never think about people, I just smack shit and be done with it. She's kinda cool though. Her smile matches her face in a nice way, that's all.

I turn to Miles who is curled in a ball on the building roof. "Penny for your thoughts?" I ask, nudging his shoulder slightly. "When I got home, my parents weren't there. Do you think he's dead already?" He asks. He looks at me with wide, unfocused eyes.

"Listen mate. Chances are he's out lookin' all over this massive city for you. Why? Cuz he's a good dad. I think. Never really met the guy, but if he helped make you I guess he can't be all bad, eh?" I waffled. I sometimes have this really fucking annoying habit of rambling on and on. He smiles slightly and nods.

I sigh. I wrap my arm around his shoulder an pull him towards me. "Brother. Don't you worry. When did Miggy say?" I ask. "Well it's dark now. So we have one day left." He mumbled into his hand.

"Then that's our deadline. We can do it, I believe in us. Ever had to do a piece of homework a day beforehand? Revise a period before the test actually is? It's never actually that bad in the end." I shrug. Spidermen are smart right? What if Miles is really dumb and fails all his tests? Stupid fucking analogy.

Miles' POV

I appreciate what Hobie is doing. It's helping. My heart is beating too fast for me to think straight. Is The Spot already here? If so, where?

My head aches just thinking about it. I shouldn't just be sitting here, doing nothing. Should I go to the police station? Nah, I'm watched for property damage down there, so...

I sigh again. I seem to be sighing a lot, which isn't like me. I can usually weasel my way out of tough situations, or find the bright side and carry on. I guess I can't just run away from this problem.

Even after all this time I can only think about one person. My mom. She already feels alone enough being Latino in this side of New York. She can't handle being a single mother.

No! Miles no!

I can't think like that! Stop acting like he's already dead! She won't be a single mother because me and Hobie, possibly Pav and Y/n WILL stop Spot before anything awful happens! Nobody will stop me from saving my dad, even if it means jumping under that rubble myself.

"Hobie... Have you ever felt hopeless?" I ask, now bringing myself to look at him. The breeze, the cold breeze of New York blows its way through my Spider-suit onto my skin. It's the kind of cold that feels like it's biting you, eating away every feeling you have of hope.

Hobie hums to himself, thinking. Deciding. "S'pose. Once or twice." He shrugs. "I was homeless once." He looks over to me. His expression unchanging.

I look up to the stars. "I'm sorry." I whisper, just loud enough for him to hear me. "It's alright. It wasn't my fault, and that's all I have." He smiles, also looking up at the sky. "And besides, who has a better view of the stars than I, lying on a bench on Trafalgar Park?" He chuckles. He had a warm laugh, one of those laughs that would heat you up just by being around him.

It's not all hopeless.


A/N: No Y/n this chapter 🤨🤨🤨

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