Chapter 3 - The chase

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I watch as the poor boy was ruthlessly attacked by everyone. Hundreds, thousands of people throwing everything they could at him. I swing up in his direction. He was frantically fighting everyone off and I felt bad. First off, I had zero allegiance to Dad 2.0, and second of all, he only looked to be my age.

There was one moment where he was surrounded in people all on him like a ball. I sent my web towards one of the massive windows and swung at full force towards the group. One of my spider abilities include being able to store energy in a certain area of my body, and expelling it all at once. I use this ability sparingly, as I get very woozy and tired afterwards and it takes hours to recharge again. But I feel it's needed now.

I compact all my strength into my foot and close my eyes as it makes contact. It immediately propels Miles and around ten other Spidermen crashing out the window. I swing through the newly made hole in the window and latch another one of my webs onto the red emblem on his chest. God, this give flashbacks. My heart races faster. He immediately grabs it and tried to pull it apart to get away. "No, wait!" I shout. My webs are hard to break apart, hence my surprise when Doc Oc did it earlier, so he was frantically struggling.

I tug my web up to bring him to me and we met face to face.

My mask was not on. I give him a small nod. He looks back and me warily. We were getting closer and closer to the ground and I looked behind me to find a massive crowd of Spidermen getting ready to chase us. Lead by the familiar red and blue suited man. "Shit!" I hissed. I looked down at my watch and tried pressing some random buttons.

I held Miles by the collar of his suit and suddenly my watch vibrated and showed the message: Earth-138.

Without warning, the orange and yellow vortex I recognised from earlier opened in front of us. Miles looked panicked as he sees it, but shoots a web of his own and swings both of us into the portal before it closed for good. The only thing I heard was the angriest yell I've ever heard from dangerously close behind, and I felt a large sharp talon graze my back, ripping my suit.

It was too late for the source of the anger to follow however. We both came crashing into a massive stone pillar in the middle of a crowded square. It definitely wasn't MY universe.

"Ow... Jesus Christ!" I whined. I hissed at the pain on my back. Miles scooted away from me a little. "Why did you help me? Maybe? I don't even know what you were doing!" He asks. "I was trying to help, didn't do great. I literally just got to that place when the alarm went off." I said, still on the concrete ground. He looked at the gash on my back.

"That looks bad." He states. I nod and try to get up again, like I always do.

"It's not all that bad. It's a shame about my suit though." I shrug. "I'm
Y/n O'Hara. I know who you are, of course." I try to give an encouraging smile and awkward thumbs up. "YOU'RE HIS DAUGHTER?!" He screams, catching the attention of other people walking past. "Not him! Well, kind of, but not HIM him. Another him. Another universe." I try to explain. I was panicking a little from the amount of blood I was losing and the fact I just jumped to another universe.

"Man like Miles! What're you doing here, brother?"


A/N: Just to let everyone know: I am British myself so hopefully Hobie will be realistic 😅

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