Chapter 13 - Dented forehead

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We sat opposite each other awkwardly eating pizza in silence. My knees were up to my chest, not hanging off the chair. He was even writing and working while we were eating. I tried not to stare, looking around the massive room and all the wires and buttons, but my eyes always circled back and ended up staring at him again. It was weird... seeing what my dad could've looked like if he got old.

"What're you working on?" I asked trying to look at what he was writing. "Just some... notes I guess." He mumbled. "You aren't eating" I say, looking at the pizza that's now getting cold. Dad 2.0 looks up at me, down at the pizza and throws the pen on his notebook. He slides it to the side and takes a slice.

He took a bite and sighed. "Sorry." He grumbled, leaning his head on his hand. The silence continues.

I look at him. "How's... your day been?" I asked, taking another bite of pizza. "I chased two kids through a big city." He said, looking at me with a small amount of humour in his face. "It was a good chase though!" I respond, pointing my finger in his face again. "I don't know about you, but in MY universe it's rude to point." Dad 2.0 says, pointing back. I smile and poke his finger. "Boop!" I laugh. He flinches away, but wasn't angry.

"I've been told spiders are meant to be funny. What happened to you?" Dad 2.0 asks, putting down the pizza. "WOW okay, old man! That was hurtful" I laugh. He wasn't laughing back, but he was smiling.


"So what do you do for work? Other than save the multiverse every now and again." I ask, leaning in. He exhales a deep breath. "Assign different Spidermen to task forces, file universe classes and try not to break everything." He replies. "Jeez, so it's work work work all day, huh?" I ask, finishing the slice of pizza in my hand. "Do you have a job, Y/n?" He looked down at his plate again, avoiding eye contact. He seemed uncomfortable asking me personal questions.

"Nothing at the moment except being awesome. That's a full time job, y'know?" I say, leaning back in the chair. "Don't swing. You'll hurt yourself." Dad 2.0 mumbles, not even looking up. "You're kinda nice sometimes." I say, still swinging. "I thank you dearly for that compliment." He says sarcastically, now looking at me again.

"You should be nice but often, old man" I smile. "Being nice doesn't earn respect." He bluntly says, his tone never changing. His red eyes now bore into mine. "Sometimes it does. I mean, I've got a little respect for you now, I guess" I reply. Dad 2.0 seemed shocked at my words. His large hands rested on the sides of his plate. He looked away again.

"I... I said stop swinging!" He yelled, his voice still laced with a serious tone, yet his face had a tinge of red. Maybe it was just the lighting.

I slump forward onto the table. His hands gripped the table hard. He was kinda denting it. "Are you alright? You seem..." CREAK goes the table. "A little tense..." I say, rubbing the back of my neck. "I'm fine, just not used to this... that's all. Eating with someone. I don't even know what to talk about." he mumbled, looking at me again. He was wearing a sincere face.
"Love life not hitting?"
"You're not funny!"
"I'm hilarious."

He shoved his face into his hands. "Keep slamming your hand to your face, and you'll get a dent." I smile. "A dent?" He says. He was smiling at my rubbish joke. "Yes, a dent. Do you want a dent?" I ask, cocking my head to the side. "No, I guess not." He chuckled. "I'm glad. It wouldn't suit you." I giggle. I feel like the awkwardness shaken now. It was kinda nice talking to him like this. Like he was human. I missed talking for hours with my dad.

"Do you like any movies, Dad 2.0?" I ask, sparking conversation."Do you want the answer I tell everyone or the embarrassing answer?" I says, looking back at me again. "I will literally pay you for the embarrassing answer."

He rests his head on the back of the seat and sighs. "Mamma Mia: Here We Go Again." He mumbled, almost quiet enough for me not to hear. "REALLY?!" I squeal. "Meryl Streep is a respectable actress, what can I say?" He shrugged.

"She was literally in that movie for like FIVE MINUTES" I cackled. "AND SHE ROCKED!" He defended.


A/!: Progress babyyyy

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