Chapter 21 - Alchemax

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I limped to where I heard the commotion. I was sent somewhere at least a block away from the action, as shown by the plumes of black smoke emitting in the distance.

"Fuck" I thought. "I wasted it."

I grit my teeth and begin to sprint, I swing my webs to help me along. My legs ache, they feel as if I've got 10,000lb weights on them but I push on. I can't do this again, try to help but only fail due to being too late.

As I got closer, I see Hobie yelling at Miles, who seemed to be struggling to hold off this guy on his own.

He really was scary. Not Miles, the guy. The silhouette. He looked hand-drawn, he looked like he wasn't from this world, he looked... Fucking horrific. Every time I look at where his face should be I feel sick.

I hate feeling like that.

Ever since Dad 2.0 waltzed into my life it's been a real shit show, right? I mean, first... Well, y'know... my dad REVIVES, then he attacks me, then I go to two different universes and now I'm fighting this motherfucker.

I shoot a web in both of the boys directions to show that I am back.

I help old ladies and young children flee the premises, lifting rubble and debris from on top of people. I rip car doors off and help them out. Hopefully I'm doing good?

I look up at the commotion. They were on top of a tall glass building.


The memory comes rushing back.

"Sir? ... Dad?"

No! You have friends that need you, there's no use getting caught up in yourself. After checking the whole premises for pedestrians, I join the two spiders on top of the building.

The sun was coming up. The deadline... Something Hobie told me. Deadline for what? I am not waiting to find out!

Although my leg felt tired and drowsy, I fought the best I could against what I've now learnt as portals. Unfair. Miles was fighting, but he was losing. The villain was focusing all his attention on this kid, which makes sense as he is from this world.

Although Miles is very talented, he isn't as experienced as me or Hobie. I see two small things fly from his wrists as he was fighting. They were black, like bracelets. This induces pure fear into the boys face.

"Stop in the name of the law!" I hear being yelled from the roof entrance. It was a largely built man, a police officer. He had a moustache and dark skin. His voice sounded scared and tense. He held a small gun shakily. The silhouette seemed to feel utter joy from seeing this man. At least, I think he is.

A portal opens under him and miles, and they teleport in the air above the busy streets if New York.

Hobie was busy, he was saving three young men from broken glass and debris. Everything was slow motion.

Why wasn't Miles using his webs?! Swing, goddamn it!

I look as they fall. A cop, defenseless and only trying to do the right thing, and my friend, who is a child.

I have to choose.


A/N: Holy shit it's been a while. Sorry everyone, I've been super busy with Christmas and Mocks and new years and for some reason basically ALL my friends birthdays happen around this time of year. Thank you all for being so patient I love you so much.

Sorry it's so short, it's been so hectic but I'll try to be getting more out

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