Chapter 10 - You're an idiot

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"So our money doesn't work here. What do you suppose we do about food?" I ask. We are both looking at the beautiful view of the city, leaning forward. "S'pose we... find Miles somehow? Reckon they got a phonebook here?" Hobie asks, dangling his legs. His voice was low and he looked tired. "This isn't 1995. I doubt it." I say back, looking at his side profile.

It felt weird to say, but I thought we looked really handsome in the evening light. It only felt weird to say because in my universe, he killed many many people. But now I think about it, I hardly know anything about Hobie, he himself could have killed many many people as Spiderman.

"So... how long have you been Spiderman?" I questioned, trying to break the awkward silence. "3 years, give or take. You?" He turns his head to face me, showing what looked like genuine interest. "5 months... give or take" I say, smiling. He lets out a short but sweet chuckle at my response. "Young'un" he mutters, making me give him a small but still kinda strong punch on the arm. "Owch. You're mean." He says, monotonously. "Man up, Hobart."

We continue to talk for a while, as the sun set over the new horizon. I learnt he's a cat person, his secret obsession is rollerblades and he used to volunteer at a nursing home when he was 16. He has a rich inner life I wanted him to talk about forever. Every time I glitched he patted me on the head in solice. His hands were massive and calloused, but it's fine.

Eventually it was pitch black and all we could look at was how the night sky was aglow with bright city lights. It was all disrupted when a bright light shone from Hobies bootleg watch.

"Jeez, you really spoofed that watch, huh, Hobie? Took me hours to crack through!" I heard Lila's voice chirp. I jumped back and almost lost my balance on the tall building. Hobie was mostly unfazed, but I saw his eyebrows tense. "You hacked my watch? Cheeky cheeky" he said into the small hologram. "Is Y/n there with ya, Hobart?" She asks, pointing her finger in the air.

"Who's askin?" He grumbled suspiciously. "I think we all know who's asking. He's pretty maaaad~" Lila teased, her hands cupping her face and her legs swinging in the air. "He's coming to 1610. Don't ask me why, I don't know either. I mean, I know, but he'll turn me off if-"

With that, her hologram disappeared.

I looked at the man in sitting next to me with one eyebrow raised. "He doesn't know where we aaaare." I say, waving my hands in the air. "Right?" I ask, looking at him hopefully.


I whip my head around and saw the large figure of Dad 2.0 standing, his normal lame dad pose evident. He wasn't wearing his suit this time, he seemed to be wearing a quickly put together shirt and shorts. "The hell are you wearing, big man?" Hobie asks. "I turned Lila off. Let's not ask questions. I'm the one talking." He said, waving his hands dismissively towards Hobie, his eyebrows furrowed and his forehead scrunched. He was VERY clearly stressed.

I look to Hobie and nod. He sighs dramatically and grabs onto me again. I jump off the building with a "WHOOOO" and began to swing through the city, trying not to cause too much attention. (I mean, I want a little attention, why do you think I did the "WHOOOO"?).

"Spiderwoman! Monarch! Y/n! ARGH!" He groaned and began to try following me. While he was way more experienced, I had a massive advantage: I'm not so old I have a signed copy of the Bible.

I laugh and manage to lose him through the streets. Hobie was getting more and more pissed the more we were in the air, as he doesn't like having to depend on others, which fits his character I guess.

I land on the pavement anf place him down. "You should slow down and care for your passenger's safety, love." He chuckled and once again dusted off his VERY obvious jacket. "Learn how to make webs in you then I'll be more gentle! And don't worry, it's not like I'm gonna let you... fall..." I start saying. I look down and move my feet around. "I trust ya" he says and ruffles my hair again.

"ASSHOLE" I yell, catching come attention as I smooth my hair.

He cackles and brushes his hand for a split moment on my cheek. The touch was in reality gone in an instant but it felt like it was there for an eternity. A slight pink tinge appeared on my face and I grumpily look away. To my dismay, he obviously notices.

"NAAAAH you're not angry with me, Bag Girl. It's not your fault, all girl fall to my whims eventually" he says the last sentence in an overly posh and extremely obnoxious British accent and pretends to be flicking his non-existent long hair behind his back.

"You're an idiot, Hobart Brown" I smile and give him a small slap.

"BOTH of you are idiots! Por el amor de Cristo!"


A/N: Y'all's comments are making me twirl my hair and kick my feet fr. (seriously tho, thanks for all the support it's giving me motivation to write for y'all 💖)

Flattery WORKS on me if you want more time with Hobie (hint hint nudge nudge)

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