Chapter 5 - Hobie Brown

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"Man like Miles! What're you doing here, brother?"

I look over to the source of the voice but my head was spinning. I was getting nauseous and lightheaded. It's probably a mix of losing blood and all the energy I spent doing that kick. It was just all coming back to me now. Maybe the adrenaline kept me going this long. Doesn't really matter anymore. "Hey mate, is she fainting?" I heard before I hit the floor.


"So how'd you pull her? I thought you was going out with Gwen."
"I didn't pull either of them! I don't know who she is, well... I do know who she is, but not really."
I could hear Miles' voice, as well as another. It was deep and British, laced with a humourous tone. I squinted my eyes and let them focus on the room I was in. I seemed to be on a sofa, covered in various blankets.

"Ah! Hello, good to see you're awake." A man, around 20ish, came into my field of view. I recognised him immediately and sat up sharply, ignoring the pain in my back that the sudden movement gave me. By instinct I shot one of my webs at his hand, intending to stick it to the coffee table next to him. He flinched out of the way.

"Jesus! What's your problem, huh?" He asked. The pain from my back came back to me and I slowly layed back down. He wasn't MY Hobart. I need to remember that. He's not the Prowler in this universe. Probably.

"Uh... I'm sorry. You look like someone I used to know." I give a small chuckle. "You're a bit weird, aincha?" He sniffs and turns to Miles, who was now wearing a jacket over his suit. I then realise I'm not wearing my suit either, just a large hoodie and shorts, neither of which were mine.

I gasp as I realise I probably didn't change myself. "Whose clothes am I wearing, you perverts?!" I yelled. "Calm down, my eyes were closed!" Hobie yelled back, covering his eyes as if to demonstrate. "Yeah, your suit was wrecked!" Miles started saying, his hands in the air as if I was the police.

I attempt to stand again, fully taking in the apartment I was in. It was a fair size. There were guitars mounted all over the wall, and cut up newspapers and magazines forming a mural in all places a guitar wasn't. There was also a set of drums, which seemed slightly out of place. The only light source was  from a couple windows, sending an orange hue through the room. It was sunset.

Suddenly, I see blue, red, green, all colours glitching together along with lots of black and red. I flinched at the sound of Miles yelling in pain, spasming. "The hell was that?!" Miles was then on the floor, holding his stomach. He looked like he was about to throw up. "I'm not in my dimension. My atoms aren't pleased to be here. No offense, Hobie." He explained. Hobie let out a low laugh and sauntered towards his desk.

"Luckily for you, I made this." He threw something at Miles, which he of course caught. It was a watch, and it looked exactly like mine. It was much cooler, though. It had graffiti printed all over it and had the words "Project Bootleg" on the screen. "Hobie you made this?" Miles asked, looking impressed. "Wait... is this why you kept stealing from the lobby?" His face then changed from impressed to exasperated. "Dunno what you're talkin about, mate" he smirked.

They then turn to me. "Um. Do either of you guys know if Mr O'Hara can track me with this watch?" I say, looking at it. Suddenly it beeped and a small hologram of Miguel himself appeared from the screen. I almost fell off the sofa in shock. Miles disappeared from view and Hobie sat on the sofa next to me and leaned in to talk to the hologram. He obviously knew how to use it better than I did.

"Miguel, my guy!" He said excitedly. "Shut up." Miguel bluntly responded. Hobie snickered. He wrapped his arm around me shoulder and pulled me in "Don't worry, Migs! I'm looking after your new recruit, teaching her the ropes." He smiles brightly again.

"Por el amor de Dios. Do you think I'm stupid? I can see Morales is with you. I'm on my way." The hologram shut off and Miles appears from behind the sofa. "That doesn't sound good." He says, trying to stay calm.

"I really thought my acting was good. I was briefly an actor for adverts. Then I realised I didn't want to be a puppet for capitalism and-"
"HOBIE!" Me and miles yelled. "A man the size of a double decker bus in on his way! And I'm not going to lie, he doesn't seem happy. Do you have another one of these fake watches?" Miles questioned.

"Wooow! I just gave you one and you already want more? I guess the prison of Capitalism has already got you in it's claws-" Hobie begins. "No! Because Y/n can't just be walking around with a tracker on her wrist! She'd be like... Something that's super easy to catch!"
"A sitting duck?"
"Yeah, that!"

I sighed and took the watch off. "How long do you reckon I'll last without it?" I ask. "Well Gwen lasted in mine for around a week" he said, shrugging.

"Then let's LEAVE before he gets here!" I say, sternly. Hobie helps me up, and folded a blanket to take with us.

"I was getting bored anyway" Hobie smiled.


A/N: Do you guys want me to expand more on Hobie being The Prowler in our universe?

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