Chapter 20 - Falling

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Fire, guns, rubble.

The world was static just minutes ago, what happened? Policemen everywhere, at least a block has been knocked down and not to mention the blaring sirens and shrill screams ringing in my ears.

All we wanted to do was rest. God, we needed rest. Our limbs felt as if they carried 100lb weights, trying to drag us under the concrete into the mud and worms.

I was wearing the purple suit, picked out for it's cool design and colour. It was comfortable and extremely high tech, I wasn't used to it. Do all spidersuits have diagnostics, stats and vitals in the vision?

The ringing in my ears peeled louder than everything else outside of Miles' apartment, the yelling from Hobie, the scream from Miles.


The sound caught my attention. The pubescent scream riddled with voice cracks. And I turned, expecting him by my side just where I left him, but he was gone. I couldn't sense him anymore, my spider senses were numb. I was ready to power up a kick, prepared for anything. Then I fell.

Fell? I was standing on concrete.


Miguel's POV

I sent Y/n home. Well, she went herself, but she went home, right? I felt a drop in my stomach.

Like I was falling.

"Lila?" I call out, expecting her to arrive as she usually does. She glitches into existence, a bluish pink hue surrounding her.

You see, I'm not your typical Spiderman. I don't have a fancy ass Spider-sense, no special sticking abilities or any of that shit, but I do have a good gut instinct.

And I feel wrong. Icky, like my stomach is in knots.

"Checkup on the situation on Earth-1610." I say, staring at the monitors, by eyes strained on the red numbers changing constantly.

"Spot has begun his attack, just as scheduled. Should continue until tomorrow, where the canon even will take place." Lila chirped, showing me the small monitor with the fight happening live.

"Who's that?" I ask quickly, pointing. "Who?" Lila asks, rewinding. "There! Right there! Just fell through one of Spot's portals!" I yell, zooming in. The picture was blurry, but there was a purple flash there. Along with that punk Spider, but he won't do much to prevent anything.

The Spider fell through the portal, and reappeared around 50 feet in the air, falling.




I was falling, somehow? I was just on the floor, and now I'm skydiving! Easy enough I could save myself. Like a bungee jumper I wrapped a cord around myself and let it stretch until it safely caught me. But that was weird. It was a flash of black, then I saw clouds.

I shook off the confusion and vertigo and refocused my vision on what was at hand. I saw Miles, thank god Miles, attacking a weird splodge.

What is that? It was black, scribbles and white dashes somehow resembling a semi-human silhouette, twitching and convulsing, the air rippling around him as if he was drawing in infinite power.

It made me feel sick, the kind of feeling you get when you're about to be throw up your lunch, the warm saliva pooling in your mouth, choking you until you either died or released it.

I don't know why it made me feel uneasy, it wasn't REALLY human-like, but it was close enough.

I swing up towards them, taking note of their hostility. This isn't a nice guy, got it. I charge up the kick, it's been long enough. I tend to not use it directly against humans or beasts, it'll break everything in them.

But drastic measures.

I feel the energy piling up in my nerves, bundling up into a ball of pure energy and power. As I reached closer, I threw my leg back, swung it, and-

"Oh no, you don't, little bug!" A distorted, unnerving voice echoed in my brain, vibrating it to its core.

There was another flash of black, and with that, I was in a park. "Shit!" I scream as my legs swings out of control into a tree at the start of a long line.


10 great oaks in the line were split, burnt and cracked in two. Smoke poured from the charred stumps. Whoever this guy is, he's powerful. Shit. I'm tired, and my leg aches.


A/N: Exams. Ew. Not a fan.

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