chapter 13

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Y/n: I'm sorry!

I frowned my brows in confusion that why she's saying sorry to me.

Taehyung: but why??

She teared in tears.

Y/n: I'm sorry. Really sorry for calling you last night to pick me up. It's all is because of me. If I haven't called you, then this may not be happened. I should've driven home by my own instead of ca-

I placed my finger on her lips making her to stop in between.

Taehyung: it's none of your fault. You were not the one who did my accident. I love you and you love me, that I believe. And I can't even think that you will be thinking bad of me!!

She smiled and wiped her tears before a man said hello to me. I was confused that why's he greeting me? Do I really know him? How does he know me?

I was in my thoughts when y/n interpreted.

Y/n: oh Mr Jack!! Glad you arrived.

She was smiling after looking him which made so damn confused!!!!

Jack: hey Y/n! I hope you're doing good. And Mr Kim how are you??

I shaked my hand with him which he offered first. I didn't know what the hell was going there.

I cleared my throat and asked,

Taehyung: sorry but I don't remember you sir!!

Jack: well....I'm Jack. The one who bought you here.

Taehyung: oh,'s very nice to meet you and thank you for saving my life.

Jack: it's my pleasure Mr?

Taehyung: Taehyung, Kim Taehyung.

Jack: well it's my pleasure Mr Kim Taehyung. Please allow me to go. I have a flight to Canada.

Taehyung: you don't live here Mr Jack??

Jack: no. Actually I came here for some business.

Taehyung: okay then, may you have a safe flight. And once again thanku.

He passed a smile and wish me to get well soon, and went.


One week passed like this in hospital. Y/n was the only who was taking care of me by canceling her all appointments. I told her not to avoid her work but she never listened. She made to eat my food with her soft hand, she gave me medicine and took a good care of me. Molly, Noah and hyunjin also came to meet me. But y/n stayed with me the whole week. She use to go at her home, freshen up and came back always with some food with her for me. I loved her so much. I never felt that if a person you love from the core of your heart can give you this much of care and attention. She is so beautiful and first love of mine.

I was sitting in y/n's car park outside the hospital till then y/n was doing all the payments. She came with an exciting smile on her face. I asked her where to go next and she said,

Y/n: I know a best place for you.

I smiled brightly and she started to drive.

After a drive of 15 minutes she stopped a car in front of my house.

I was a bit confused and she looked at me with a smile.

Y/n: there's no place to go until you are properly cured. Got it?

Taehyung: yes my lady.

I said with a gentle kiss on her cheeks which made her blush and giggled at the same time.

MY SISTER'S BROTHER IN LAW || KIM TAEHYUNG FF || 21+Where stories live. Discover now