Chapter 1

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AN: I am well aware that Dan is younger than Phil in reality, however as this is an AU Phanfiction, this is different.

Phil sat dejectedly with his head down to the floor as he fumbled clumsily with his shaking fingers. He wasn't okay with this; this had been his room for a year now, why did he have to share for? He didn't want too have to take his posters down or put his plushies in the attic, he liked his room the way it was. He wanted to jump up and scream "Get OUT!" As soon as his new roommate walked through the door but he couldn't do that, angry behavior resulted in a long trip to the quiet room, nobody liked going in there, especially not Phil. Tense as he waited anxiously for the new boy before doing yet another thorough dash around the room to ensure that everything was perfect and pristine for his roommates arrival. Maybe if he could keep everything normal the new boy wouldn't beat him up for a while.


When Daniel James Howell pictured his roommate, he was scared; imaging buff muscles and anger issues which would result in a rather miserable two years until he could leave the care home.

What he didn't expect was a timid boy who looked about three years younger than him. He stared at his surroundings, taking in the Pokémon, Spirited Away, Totoro and Kiki's Delivery Service posters littering the walls and bottom end of the bunk beds. Two matching black duvet covers with the emblems of the New York skyline covered both beds. Deciding that he would probably get on well with his roommate despite the younger boy looking terrified with eyes bulging out of his head.

"Hi, my name's Dan," he spoke confidently with a flick of his fingers. Phil kept his head down, never once meeting the gaze of the chocolate eyed boy. A little whimper squeaked out of his small parted lips as he took hurried steps away in fear from Dan.

Dan took a cautious step towards Phil, as he noticed that the younger boy flinched away in fear at his movement. A dark thought flit across his mind which he realized when he took in Phil's quivering form, was most likely true; Phil had been abused. He tried to get rid of the mere notion of this little boy being hurt by anyone but he could already tell that he had come at a good time to the carehome, he could help Phil now before he gave up on people entirely.

Several awkward seconds later and Dan noticed that Phil was clutching a blue MP3 player and was attempting to undo his headphones with nimble fingers.

"Hey, let me help you with that" Dan took a step towards the desk where the younger boy was stood and reached out to grasp the white headphones from his hands.

The small boy flinched and took a large step backwards, knocking his leg on the corner of the rectangular stool in the process. His tiny Adventure Time pyjama shorts rode up at the impact and when Phil turned to glance at Dan with terrified eyes, he noticed the large scram running down the milky white thigh of the slight boy.

Dan stared, transfixed by the overwhelming cuteness and protective feelings that he felt for his younger roommate. He mentally scolded himself "You mustn't think like that, being gay never got you anywhere with Mum..." He shook these thoughts out of his mind, he didn't want to think about her right now. And anyway, she didn't want anything to do with him and he didn't want anything to do with her, she wouldn't have to know about how much he wanted to save the shaking boy in front of him.He wanted to think about the scared boy in front of him with raven hair and cerulean eyes that seemed to shimmer with budding mischief but were hidden by harsh panic. He wanted to help this little boy, whoever he was. He almost smiled as he realised that he already felt so protective of this boy but he didn't even know his name.

He wanted to reach forward and embrace Phil. Hug him tightly to his chest and promise that everything was going to be okay; that he had Dan now. That he didn't have to face anything alone now. The more rational side of him argued that Phil was obviously uncomfortable right now and he should go at Phil's pace.

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