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The days have slowly been blending into each other, not much occurring to separate them

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The days have slowly been blending into each other, not much occurring to separate them. All I've done is wake up, eat, go to school, go home, finish homework and sleep, with work, cheer practice, the audition for the school orchestra and the occasional high from smoking to give the week a bit of life. This routine has been too mundane for my liking. My music teacher said we'd find out whether anyone got into the orchestra or not in about two weeks since she also has to prepare for the talent show auditions.

The weekend is already here, and I'm prepared for the same boring routine of its own. Levi and I are meeting up tomorrow for our project instead of today since he's working all day. I found out he works in a small bakery of an old family friend. It's not too far from Mr. Pierce's shop, so the urge to go is strong. The only thing stopping me is how weird it would be to appear at his workplace. It makes it seem like I'm his girlfriend, which I never will be.

Alejandro and I are organising some of the vinyls when the small bell rings, indicating someone has walked in. I turn around and see Victoria, her shoulders slouched as she walks behind the counter.

I walk back to the counter, leaning against it. "Surprised to see me here so early?" Victoria asks, a cup of coffee in her hands.

"A bit." It's too early in the morning for me to be keen to interact with her, but she keeps talking, much to my dismay.

"I'm here because I have somewhere to be later on, so Mr. Pierce said I should go for a mornings shift." I hum, completely uninterested in what she has to do, although she is leaving room for me to ask where she'll be later on. Once she realises I won't question her, her face falls a bit, but she quickly covers it up. "Anyway, do you have siblings?"

"Yeah. Thr—Two sisters."

She nods slowly, a small 'ooh' escaping her mouth. "How was life back in France? Any boyfriends? Or girlfriends?"

My eyes glance at her face fully, examining her features. Her grey eyes are curious, but it feels like there's something else swirling in there. Something a bit more sinister. There's a smile planted on her face, but it doesn't quite reach her eyes. The atmosphere surround Victoria is not one I like. And why the fuck does she want to know so much about me?

"It was fine," I answer, not wanting to give too much away. "No boyfriends or girlfriends."

"Really? I thought you'd have at least one."

I raise a recently plucked brow at her. "Why?"

"No reason. Anyway, do you—"

"Is she required to tell you her life story?" The words come from Mr. Pierce, who just emerged from his office.

"No, but I'm curious."

"Stop being so curious. It's too early in the morning for this." Victoria turns away from her, but I don't miss her eyes rolling.

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