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Davina jiggles the small cup in her hands, using more force than necessary

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Davina jiggles the small cup in her hands, using more force than necessary.

Thanksgiving was only five days ago, yet it feels like it's been weeks since I was sitting at Levi's dining table, doing my best to focus on anything but the person that should've been celebrating with us too.

At ten past twelve in the morning after Thanksgiving, Davina sent a text into the group chat: One month until Christmas! I don't know how I didn't expect it. She seems to love every holiday and gets equally excited for all of them, a new plan in her mind that we should do for each. I admire her ability to make the most out of life.

Despite the chills we all feel due to the slightly colder weather as San Diego begins to merge into the winter season, we're still sitting under the tree we claimed a month ago, ignoring the cold breeze that constantly hits us.

Davina was adamant on us doing Secret Santa. Levi warned me about it after she sent that text. It's a tradition they do every year due to Davina's excitement and Alejandro's murderous gaze if anyone tries to go against her. Sometimes, it feels like I'm intruding in their group. I know that Davina, Nevaeh and Levi have grown to like me. Theo and I don't talk much, and I'd like to think Alejandro doesn't mind me since our shifts are usually at the same time. However, it still feels like I'm an outsider pushing myself to fit in.

They have all these special things they do annually since they became friends, and I'm sure they wanted to enjoy their last year of high school doing these traditions together, but now I'm here. They've had to incorporate me into everything, and I can't help but feel like a bug they can't get rid of when they begin to talk about their old memories. I wonder how their group dynamic was before they joined. I imagine it to be lively since they're all so close, no one ever being able to get into their tight-knit group. I have, but I can't shake the feeling that they miss how everything was before I came.

Davina hands the cup to Alejandro. He takes it out of her hands, immediately digging his thumb and index finger inside to pick out a piece of paper. He places it on the floor, opening it up. We all have to check who we've gotten just in case we pick out our own names before passing the cup along. His eyebrows move up, and I try to think who could've surprised him.

He passes the cup to Theo, who leaves it on the floor since he doesn't move the arm that's wrapped around Nevaeh's shoulder. They are far too cute for their own good; every lunchtime, they're leaning into each other and Theo places small kisses on her head when he thinks we aren't looking. She smiles when he does, pushing her head further into his chest in an attempt to get closer than they already are.

I don't think I'll ever experience love so pure. In my opinion, I'm not very lovable.

"Did you get someone good?" Davina asks Alejandro as he places the small piece of paper in his pocket.

He shrugs, looking down at her. "Can't say. It's a secret."

She rolls her eyes, putting her attention on Theo as he picks out a name. The cup is passed around the circle. I'm the second last person to pick someone. Of course, I got Theo. I resist the urge to sigh as I fold the sheet again. It's not that I don't like him; he seems like a good person and a great boyfriend. I just haven't talked to him enough to know what he likes and I'm not sure if I can ask Nevaeh for advice.

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