Isolation Pt 2

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So I made a public statement about myself and about the whole homewrecker thing. The one about my body was longer because I wanted my fans that are like me to know that I had their back. The only reason I didn't share this before was because I am a very private person, not that I hate my body. But I am going to start doing things to uplift people like me. When it came to the speculations about Rih I couldn't really do anything about it. She nor Rocky have said anything and I think that says everything. I haven't talked to her in about a couple of months. Not for lack of trying. I have called her and she always has to go. Our texts are very short lived. I know how to take a hint. I have been in the studio almost everyday. I put my phone on dnd and walk over there until ungodly hours in the morning. I have to hyper-focus on something or I am going to spiral. I am getting ready to drop my new album. It is hitting the masses tomorrow morning. I am very excited about that. While I am on my walk home I get an unexpected call.

Me: Hello?

Rob: Hey, are you home?

Me: I am on my way there. Why?

Rob: Can I come over?

Me: Um, yea. Everything ok?

Rob: Yea. Just wanting to see you.

Me: Ok. Well come over. I will be there.

Rob: Ok.

She hangs up and I get home about five minutes after. I shower and change into some shorts and a t-shirt. Soon after I hear a knock on the door. I open it to see the person I have been missing the most. Thoes hazy green orbs staring into my soul. Get it together Spence.

Me: To what do I owe this pleasure?

Rob: I can't see a friend?

Friend-zoned. Can't say I didn't see it coming..

Me: I didn't know if we were still that. We haven't talked in a while Rih.

Rob: We are back to Rihanna now?

I turn from her and walk to my kitchen.

Me: That is your name Rihanna.

Rob says nothing. So I say nothing. I don't even know what to say at this point. I mean what is there to say?

Rob: I am sorry Spence.

Me: For what?

Rob: For not putting you first.

Me: It's no biggie. Focus on your relationship.

Rob: My relationship?

Me: With Rocky? I assume it is that because every time I talk to you he is there. Then you always have to go. The little times we have spoken.

Rob: It isn't like that Spence.

Me: So what is it? I mean neither of you guys said anything when the rumors started.

Rob: I never say anything when it comes to rumors about me.

Me: Ok Rih.

Rob: Robyn.

Me: Mhm.

Rob: What's up man? Why are you so mad?

Me: Because you have been ditching me for him with no second thought! What the fuck do you mean?

Rob looks at me wide eyed because she has never seen me snap.

Me: Rih...Rob I'm sorry.

Rob: I am going to go.

I grab her wrist.

Me: No wait. Stay. Please.

Rob: Why are you really so angry? I know that you know last minute things pop up with our line of work. So tell me what's the problem.

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