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I heard my phone ringing. Who the hell is calling me right now? I reach for my phone and am greeted with pain EVERYWHERE. Damn, I have to get the phone, Rob is waking up. And in her attempt to shut the phone off...

Me: Ahh Fuck!

Rob jumps up in response.

Rob: What? Whats wrong?

She is still groggy, so she didnt realize she hit my side trying to wake me up to get the phone. She looks at me holding my side and her face falls.

Rob: Oh shit baby. Im so sorry.

I shake my head.

Me: Its fine. Get the phone please.

She picks it up and puts it on speaker.

Rob: Whats up Bey?

Bey: We are outside. Will you let us in?

Rob: Yes. We are getting up now. *She gets up and throws on some leggings along with one of my shirts.

Me: Will you hand me my shorts and a shirt? Please?

Rob: Of course. Do you need help?

Me: I dont think so.

I get my pants on with little restraint. When it came to the shirt, it was a whole other story.

Rob: Let me. Lift your arms. *I must have made a face, because she stops her movements* How bad is the pain Spence?

Me: Its alright. Come on, while I have my arms up. *Breathing hurts. And having my arms up stretching the bruises is making it worse*

Rob: I am going to answer the door. You go take some meds. If the pain is still like this, we are going to the hospital. I think they may have broken a rib or something Spencer. I am concerned.

Me: I am ok Rob, really.

Robyn gives me a look. She walks up to me and lightly pokes my side. I spaz and move to the side, inviting more pain.

Rob: I am being serious.

Me: Rob.

Robyn: Spencer. You are lucky I am not dragging your ass now. You are clearly in pain. *As she is talking, she takes my hand gently and leads me to open the door for my parents*

Me: Robyn it is the day after, it is going to hurt.

She opens the door and my parents eyes went straight to my face. My moms eyes went to my arms. It is the only skin that is exposed with bruising besides my face. Though, I know she is going to make me take my shirt off when we get inside. Good thing I have a bra on.

Rob: I said what I said. Looking at mama Bey's face, you are going to the hospital sooner rather than later. Come in yall.

Did she call my ma mama? I smile at her. Ma and dad must have caught it too. Blue looks at me and immediately smiles.

Blue: Spence!

She jumps. Shit I have to catch her. Ok Spencer, brace yourself. You are about to catch a 6-year-old, no big deal. I grabbed her and we both hit the floor. I land on my back, so she doesnt get hurt. I am greeted with excruciating pain. Tears are coming down my eyes as Rob picks up a confused Blue. Dad helps me on the couch and Ma takes my shirt off.

Ari: What is going on? *She looks at me* Oh Spence, it got so much worse.

Bey: Lets go.

Me: Ma...

Ma shot me a glare that shut me up quickly.

Bey: You should have gone to the hospital immediately after that whole incident happened Spencer Knowles-Carter. Do not even START with me. Lets go, now!

Jay: Come on kid. Something is clearly wrong.

Me: Alright. Lets go. Ari will you text the girls and let them know where we are going?

Ari: Text?

Me: Yeah. I know you want to come. Hurry up and throw some clothes on before Ma drags me out.

Bey: Its about to happen.

Me: You will make it worse by dragging me ma.

Bey: You clearly don't care. Lets go.

I got in the car with the help of my dad. Dad and ma are in the front, Ari and Blue are in the middle row, and Rob and I are in the back of the car. Getting me out was painful. Maybe something is going on. I get in a room relatively fast. We told them that Rob was my fiancée, and Ari was my sister so everyone could be in the room.

Dr. Kayla: Hello, my name is Kayla. You can call me Doctor Kayla. It is good that you came here. What happened?

Rob: Some people decided to get punch and kick happy.

Dr. Kayla: They must have been kicking hard. You have two fractured ribs from what I can see. Your left wrist and Ulna are also fractured.

Ma and Rob looked at me with an I told you so face.

The doctor looks at them and chuckles a bit.

Dr. Kayla: They must have told you to come here, and you didnt want to.

I shrug my shoulders in defeat.

Dr Kayla: You are going to have to stay away from extraneous activities for the next 4-6 weeks. So, no sports, running, picking up objects that weigh more than 10 pounds, and no sex.

She had me until she said no sex. MMMMAAAAANNNNNNN. What the fuck. My face must have shown what I was thinking because I got a couple of laughs in the room.

Bey: Thank you. We will make sure she will listen to ALL of your instructions.

I look at ma, then at Rob. I give her a sad face and she smiles and shakes her head. I go to cross my arms but stop when I am greeted with pain. Maybe it wont be so bad. We got to the villa, and I sat on the couch. It is 6:37 in the morning. I am tired.

Ari: Ok, I am going back to bed.

Blue: Can I come with you?

Ari: Of course, miss Ivy. Come on.

Me: There is another room to your right ma. You and dad can stay. We are only here for the next two days.

Jay: Ok. That way we can keep an eye on you.

Bey: Spencer. *She gives me a warning tone*

Me: I wont do anything. I promise.

She nods and they leave. I know she is just worried. Otherwise, they wouldnt have rushed over here. But she is being scary right now.

Rob: Bey is being scary right now.

I look at her crazy because she just read my mind. What the fuck? She starts laughing.

Rob: You must have been thinking that before I said it.

Me: If you have powers, just say it Robyn.

Rob: I dont. *She chuckles* Come on, lets go to bed.

The meds they gave me are amazing. I feel no pain at all. So, I am going to do an experiment. Let us see how long Robyn can hold out on me. When she finally gets in the bed, I pull her flush onto me. I kiss her neck and exposed shoulder.

Rob: Spence. *She gives me a warning tone, but I ignore it* Baby *She sighs*

I leave open mouth kisses wherever I can. I make sure she can feel me getting hard as I keep teasing her. She quickly faces me flustered.

Rob: I know what you are doing.

I smirk.

Me: What am I doing?

Rob: Please dont make this hard.

I smirk and roll over.

AN* Hello lovelies! How are yall doing? I wanted to thank yall for keeping this book as Number 1 in Rihanna for so long! I wouldn't be there with out yall. So thank you so much! I appreciate yall more then you know! I hope yall like this chapter. Dont forget to vote and comment!

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