Studio part 2

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We go in and out of Nickis studio for the next couple of days perfecting the two songs. I am sitting here on the couch with Robyn on my lap. Nicki and Wayne are here in the booth. They have dimmed the studio lights down because it is super late at night. Rob and I are about 3 joints in. While she is finishing one up, I am writing lyrics to this song. Though I dont really think it is my style. Suddenly two people burst in. Chris and Ari came in and greet everyone.

Ari: Um hey yea. Are we just not best friends anymore.

I chuckle and get up to hug the small brunette.

Me: No, it isnt that. I have been bad at communicating. I will do better.

Rob: I will make sure of it.

Ari looks at Rob and smiles. She goes and gives her a hug, sitting on her lap afterwards.

Chris: Whats up slime. *He throws his hand out for me to dap him up*

Me: Sup Breezy.

Chris: What you got there?

Me: A song. Im not really feeling it though.

Ari: Let me see?

I hand it to her.

Ari: You wrote a rap for it too?

Me: Yeah, I was bored.

Nicki: So you just produce hits when you bored Spence? Let me see that Ari.

They both look at it and smile.

Nicki: Do you want this song Spence?

Me: Not really why?

Nicki: I am down a song on my album. This would be perfect for Ari and I. How much do you want for it?

Me: Nothing. Just put my name as the writer and Im all good.

Nicki: Nah, let me pay you.

Me: Win a couple awards from this album. Thats all the payment I need from you.

She hugs me and thanks me.

Nicki: Do you have a title for this song?

Me: Yeah actually. It is called Get On Your Knees. It is kinda more of a slow sexy paced song. Hence the name.

Ari: I bet I know who you were thinking about with this title.

Nicki: Rob looks like it is time to get on your your knees.

Rob: Spencer knows all she has to do is ask. *She looks at me with dark hooded eyes*

Wayne: There is another room next door if yall need it.

Rob: No need. We have 2 houses to break in fully.

Nicki: OooKKk. Before things get more heated, Chris, come record the chorus.

He records his part. Soon after, Ari and Nicki are putting the song I wrote together. It sounds really good.

Me: Damn, yall were made for that song.

Ari: I am glad you made it.

Nicki: Yeah, me too. I wanted Ari on my album. I just didnt have a good enough song for her.

Me: Well now you have one.

I sit next to Robyn while they finish the song. When she turns to me, I am greeted with her hazel green eyes.

Rob: Lets go.

Me: Ok. Is everything alright?

Rob: Yes.

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