Trip pt 3

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Ari went back to the living room, while Rob and I stayed in our room for a bit. After Ari left, Rob came and sat on me. She is trying to make me feel better. I just dont know why these guys are like this. Like in my own house man?

Rob: I hear you thinking.

I hold her a little tighter.

Me: How do you know?

Rob: You get quiet.

Me: I dont talk much.

Rob: It is different. I cant really explain it. Are you ok.

Me: Yeah, I think so. *I look up at her* Ready?

She leans down and pecks my lips a couple of times and nods. We get up and meet with everyone.

Kim: repeat?

I go to say no, but Rob beats me to it.

Rob: If you had her, you would repeat as much as you could.

I shake my head as heat fills my face.

Kylie: Surprisingly quiet this time.

Rob: My mouth was full. *She smirks, and I get some of the girls attention.*

Nicki: Damn, how big are you.

I smile and shrug my shoulders. The girls turn their attention to Rob as she is motioning with her hands how big I am. I grab her wrist and we laugh.

Me: Don't share my secrets.

Rob: Our secrets.

Me: Our, yes.

Kim: Well we know she is bigger than 7 inches. Robyn didn't look like she was about to stop. I am impressed.

Me: What? Impressed with what.

Kim: That you can handle all of that. *She shifts her gaze to Rob*

Rob: Oh, I've got her covered. *She walks up to me and grazes my tip, staring into my eyes in the process* Be impressed that she can keep up.

I get some ohhs and whistles. I feel my dick jump with the contact and rub the back of my neck.

Me: Alright, topic change.

Robyn goes to sit on the couch with the other girls and I walk up to Travis.

Kylie: Travis, this is Spencer. Spencer, this is Travis.

Travis holds his hand to dap it up and I oblige.

Travis: Yo, I'm a fan. It's good to meet you.

Me: Me too. Astro World was a banger. I would like to pick your brain, get you on a track of mine.

Travis: Only if I can get you to do the same.

Me: It's a bet.

Rocky: *He looks up from talking to Kylie* Rih, we were just talking about going to the club. Want to join?

Rob looks at me and I shrug.

Rob: Feel like clubbing?

Me: Its up to you babe.

She comes up close to me.

Rob: Would you rather club or fuck?

I stand there with images of this morning in my head.

Nicki: Come on Spence, it will be fun.

If they knew the choices I was given, they wouldnt want me to come out. But I reluctantly agree.

Me: Alright.

Rob: Ok, well go.

Rocky: Sweet. Trying to carpool Rih?

Now many of the people in the room are looking at him like he is crazy. I laugh to myself a bit. He looks at me in confusion.

Rocky: What is funny?

Me: Nothing man, forget it. *I say, still chuckling. Robyn knows Im laughing in anger*

Rocky: Got to be something.

Rob: Rocky, stop.

Rocky: Whatever. Travis and I will be back to get you and Kylie later.

Me: You may be getting Kylie, but Robyn wont be going with you.

Rocky: Excuse me?

Me: Oh, you didnt hear me? *I turn to Rob* Did I stutter?

Kylie: Alright, how about you two go to your hotel and change. We will see yall later.

Rocky: Nah, you letting this *He motions at me* whatever tell you what to do?

Ari: Watch you fucking mouth.

I scoff. Dude, what the fuck. I thought this guy was actually nice. I mean, the first time we met he apologized about the whole someone talking about my body on television. Now he is using it against me. Typical.

Rob: Dont do that.

Rocky: Do what? Stand up for you?

Rob: I dont need you to stand up for me. That is what she is for. Sit yo ass down.

Kim: Travis, take your friend out of here. Who, by the way, wasnt invited.

Rocky: Im just saying Rih, you have already been in one abusive relationship. The way she actin, might be two.

Nicki: You are way out of line Bitch.

Ari: She's about to fuck him up. *She says quietly*

I turn to him with rage. I am tired of people comparing me to Chris. I walk over to him, and he punches me before I get the chance. I hear oh shit. I turned back to him with a smile on my face. I pushed the couch to get to him and tackle him to the floor. I get a couple of punches in before I get pulled off of him.

Me: Get your ass out of my house. Bitch ass boy. Think you can come in here and start sayin shit. You must be a crazy motherfucker. Travis, take yo friend man. Dont bring him back.

Travis, Kylie, and Kim get Rocky to the car. When they come back Travis comes up to me.

Travis: Hey, I am sorry about him. If I knew you two had tension, I wouldnt have brought him. Especially when he like to instigate. He can be an ass.

Me: I see that. *He goes to dap me up*

Travis: We good? *I dap him up*

Me: We aint got a problem man. I hope to see you again in better circumstances.

Travis: Bet that up. I still want that feature.

Me: Time and a place man.

He leaves and the room turns to me and Rob. Shes got an ice pack on my eyebrow.

I hear Nicki chuckling to herself.

Nicki: Rob? *Rob turns to her* Why you didnt tell Spence to get off him?

Rob: Because he needed to be knocked the fuck out. I cant do it...

Me: But I sure as fuck can.

Rob: You ok babe?

Me: Just fine. He barely hit me. Pussy ass. Comin into my house...

She kisses me to shut me up.

Ari: If you still think she doesnt have your back, or would hurt you, think again.

Me: Who are you talking to?

Ari: She knows.

She turns and leaves. I turn to Rob.

Rob: Chill day?

Me: Yeah. Do we need to talk?

Rob: Nope. You got me?

Me: Always.

AN* Ohh. Yall what just happened?

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