News Flash

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News: Rihanna, star singer and beauty line entrepreneur, and the closed off Star Spencer dating? While Rihanna is about to release her new line, rumor is Spencer has a new gig lined up? Can anyone say new prince alert? Word is that Spencer has landed the roll for Prince Eric. Hook, line, and sinker.

Me: Did you see this?

Rob: Yes.

Me: And?

Rob: I am still mad you didn't tell me about the gig.

Me: Well if you are mad about that, I can't imagine how mad you are going to be about this.

Rob: About what?

Me: I signed a contract with Marvel.

Rob turns to me slowly and pounces.

Rob: What the hell Spence? I thought we told each other stuff.

Me: We do. That is why you know and no one else does. You have to keep it that way. Kevin said it has to be under wraps until they are ready to announce it. I just signed this morning.

Rob: Wow. I didn't even notice. That is why you were up so early?

Me: Yep.

Rob: Do you know who you will be?

Me: A character named Vulcan.

Rob: Can I get a description?

Me: The internet says, "Vulcan is an omega level mutant. As each of his brothers, Cyclops and Havok, can absorb specific types of energies and re-channel those energies from their bodies, Vulcan possesses abilities that are comparable to those of his siblings. His brothers are known to be immune to one anothers powers, yet they appear to be vulnerable to Vulcans (he manages to hurt Cyclops with no apparent trouble). This might be a result of Vulcans extraordinarily high level of power or his capacity for energy control. With the use of his talents, Vulcan can fly, float, and travel between stars. Vulcan had the ability to concentrate his energy into force fields and various forms. By lifting and moving objects, the effect of his energy creations may be exploited to mimic telekinesis. Even people can appear as his energy constructions."

Rob: So he is kinda like the Scarlett Witch.

Me: Yes, in some ways. Now get down.

Rob: Nah, I like it right here.

Me: Fine then.

I walk to the couch and body slam her on it.

Rob: That is what we are doing?

Me: I guess so.

I turn and walk away. But not before she gets up and lunges at me again. She clings on my back and I lose my balance. I start to fall and land on my stomach.

Me: Ouch.

Between her laughs she helps me up.

Rob: Oh baby I am sorry.

Me: Nope. I am leaving.

I am only joking. But I start to walk away.

Rob: Well if you leave then I am coming.

I guess we are going out after all. I take her hand and we go outside.

Rob: Where do you want to go.

Me: I don..

Reporter: Excuse me.

Me: Hey. What's up?

Reporter: I was wondering if I could get a mini interview? I am on my last leg with my boss.

Rob: Of course. Ask away.

He turns his camera on and starts.

Reporter: How does it feel to date Spencer?

I look at her because we have not officially come out. But this reporter is nice and didn't bum rush us.

Rob: What makes you think we are dating? *She says in a teasing voice*

Reporter: Oh I am so sorry. I didn't mean to assume. My boss said you two were and frankly I don't watch or read the news a lot.

Me: It is your job though.

Reporter: Exactly.

We laugh.

Rob: Put the camera down for a sec.

He obliges.

Rob: What is your name?

Reporter: Trey.

Rob: Do you know who we are Trey?

Trey: I mean I know of you. But I don't think many people really get to sit down and know who you are. Especially in my line of work.

I like him. He is super down to Earth.

Me: Lets grab something to eat.

Rob: Ok.

Trey looks a little sad. He probably thinks we forgot about the interview. We start to walk off and I call back to him.

Me: You coming Trey? I have a feeling you would rather get to know the people you are talking to. Not just the shell of them.

He puts his camera away and follows us to our destination. We decide on a small coffee shop.

Rob: So Trey.

Trey: Yes?

Rob: Why a reporter?

Trey: Well I really love taking pictures and editing. I would have just been a photographer, but I have been having trouble finding a job for that.

Rob: I see. Why are you in trouble with your boss?

Trey: Because I don't want to bum rush you guys. But that seems to be the only way reporters can reach you.

Me: What was your interview supposed to be about?

Trey: My boss wanted to be the first to know if you two were dating or not.

Rob: Seems like it is the main topic.

Trey: Seems like it.

He starts eating. He isn't really concerned about us or the gossip. He is a really down to earth guy. Being a paparazi isn't for him. I look at Rob and I already know what she is thinking.

Rob: I am short a photographer for Fenty Beauty. Think you can fill in?

Trey immediately puts his food down.

Trey: Really?

Rob: Yes.

Trey: Yes! Thank you so much. You have no idea how much this means to me.

Rob: No thank you. Lets see how talented you are with that camera.

Rob gave him her work information and set up a meeting with him. We left and started walking back home.

Me: He was chill.

Rob: Yea, you don't meet many people like that.

Me: I looked at some of his work, it is really good. I think you scored on him.

Rob: Yea.. *She looks lost in thought*

Me: Hey, come back to me.

Rob: Sorry.

Me: What were you thinking about?

Rob: Do you think we should go public?

Me: It is up to you babe. I mean there are articles and pictures of us kissing. I am sure the public knows.

Rob: Yes. But I feel like I am hiding you.

Me: You kiss me in public dork.

She bumps into me

Rob: Not what I meant stupid.

Me: I know what you mean. But I also know we are both private people. Not secretive, but our business is our business. External factors only hinder the process.

Robyn: Well said.

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