Sibling time

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We get home and not to long after, Ma, Pops, and Blue are at the door.

Me: Welcome.

Bey: Hey baby. How are you feeling?

Me: I'm good.

Bey: You should have stayed home if the interview was too much.

Me: I was fine in the beginning.

Bey: What changed?

Me: I said something to Rob and I forgot the mics were on. I guess I was super self aware. I was in my head.

Bey: Maybe you should stop..

Jay: Babe. Back off Spence.

Bey: I am not on her. I am trying to help.

Jay: Spence is alive and well. She is here talking to us.

Bey: I see that.

Jay: Rob's got her. We both saw that interview. I admit, if she was alone, Spence probably would have flipped out. But Robyn has her back.

I look at my girlfriend playing with Blue. She has my back.

Bey: I see that now.

I turn back to my parents to see them looking at me looking at Rob.

Bey: She's got your heart?

Me: Heart, lungs, and all.

Jay: Take your time ok? Don't rush into things.

Me: I won't pops. But she is the one. I can feel it.

Ma and pops give me a smile.

Bey: Ok Blue. We are leaving.

Blue: Ok!

Blue goes over to give them a hug.

Rob: We need to hang out again. I miss yall.

Jay: Well I am sure you will be seeing a lot more of us now. *He smirks* But give us a day. We can make it work.

Rob: Ok! See yall soon.

Ma and Pops leave.

Rob: So miss Ivy. What do you want to do.

Blue: Play!

Me: As fun as that would be. It is past nine o'clock. It is bed time.

Blue: Can I sleep with you? I have been having bad dreams. Dad and I watched Nightmare on Elms Street.

Me: Of course. But Robyn is going to sleep with us too. Is that ok?

Blue: Yes!

Robyn: Whew. Was worried for a sec. *She smiles*

Blue: No I love you. You can stay.

Robyn picks her up.

Rob: I am glad to here that because I love you too. Lets get you washed and in bed.

Blue takes a bath and I lay her clothes out. She gets out and does her night routine. A 5 year old having a night routine. I know. She does more than me. But she gets in the bed and I give her the remote.

Me: We will be back.

Blue: Ok.

Rob: Shower?

Me: Yes please.

We get in the shower and the hot water starts to destress me. Rob puts her hands on my shoulders and starts applying pressure.

Me: Mmm...

Rob: Rough day?

Me: Yea.. the interview was a lot.

Rob: We can stop..

Me: No.

Rob: They are clearly affecting you.

Me: You like to do them.

Rob: I like to do a lot of things Spence.

Me: And I will do my best to do them all with you.

Rob: Not when they affect you negatively.

Me: It didn't.

Rob: It did.

Me: No. It didn't. I just forgot everyone could hear me. I was not expecting everyone to hear my moment with you. I started getting in my head about what people would say. They already compare me to him. I..

Rob: To who?

Me: No one. I shouldn't have said anything.

Rob: Spencer.

Me: Chris. *I turn my head*

Rob: What? I've never seen them.

Me: Because I either delete them or block them from both of our social medias. I don't want you to have to go through that. Plus we are getting in a better place with him. I just want it over.

Rob: Do you know what happened?

Me: Not really. I have seen some news on it. But I have never been the one to go on what the news say.

Rob: Do you want to know?

Me: If you are comfortable. But I don't want you to feel like you have to tell me because we are talking about it. Tell me when you are ready.

Rob: Thank you.

Me: For what?

Rob: For doing what you do for me. I hadn't even known about the Chris thing. But I am not upset by him much anymore. I am upset that they are comparing you to him. You are nothing like him.

Me: You know I wouldn't put my hands on you in that way right?

Rob: Yes.

Me: Ok. do I need to keep my movements slow?

Rob: What?

Me: Sometimes when I move my hands fast near you, you flinch. Or when I was angry that day, you looked like I was going to do something.

Rob: Baby it isn't you. It was bad.

Me: I know.

Rob: My brain just has to get used to you. I honestly didn't notice.

Me: I know. I have been trying to not do that stuff as much. Trying to control my anger.

Rob: Thank you.

Me: Stop thanking me. *I laugh a bit* I have no problem doing this.

Blue: Spence! I want to watch Fresh Prince of Bel Air!

Me: Hold on Blue!

Rob: We are being summoned.

Me: Mhm..

I kiss her deeply and look in her eyes.

Me: I will always be here for you Robyn. I want to be your peace and happiness.

Rob: I lo..

She goes to say something but stops. She smiles and kisses me again.

Rob: Lets get to Blue.

We finish showering and get in the bed, Blue in-between us.

AN* You ask and you shall receive.

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