Day in

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I wake up to a little person squeezed between my girl and I.

Me: Good morning beautiful lady.

Blue: finally you are awake. We have been starving!

Me: We? Starving?

Blue: Yea, Rob and I.

Me: Oh? Robyn is awake?

Rob: She is awake and hungry as hell.

Me: Little ears.

Rob: As heck.

Me: Alright! Lets get food.

Blue springs up and goes to the kitchen.

Me: Blue! Call ma and pops to see if they want to come over.

Blue: OK!

Rob stretches and I climb on top of her while she looks like a starfish. She wraps her limbs around my body.

Me: Hi baby.

Rob: Good morning.

She connects our lips for a kiss. We kiss for a little and it starts to get heated.

Blue: Spence! Get up! I am hungry and mommy and daddy said they are on the way.

I lean my head in Rob's neck as she laughs.

Rob: Ok get up now.

I love her accent.

Me: Say that again.

Rob: Get up now? Why?

Me: Your accent, you ain't hiding it.

Rob: Yea, you like it?

Me: A lot yeah.

She starts rubbing herself on me and kisses my lips hungrily.

Rob: Noted. I like that I have this effect on you. *She smirks and I feel my dick twitch. She looks down and smiles* Not right now lil daddy. Put my friend away.

With that she walks off. What did she call me?! Yall, this chick is trouble. But I like it. I walk downstairs and start cooking. Rob and Blue are sitting on the counter singing. I love that she is good with Blue. I wonder if Rob wants kids. I always have, but I never found someone that interests align with mine.

Blue: So if you are married does that make you my sister.

Rob blinks a bit and I get flustered.

Me: We are not married Blue.

Blue: But mommy and daddy say that married people stay together, and kiss, and hug, and hold hands.

Rob: We do. But we are not married. Just dating.

Blue: So what does that make you to me?

Rob: Whatever you want me to be miss Ivy.

Blue: Spence. *She motions me to come here* Are you married? *She whispered loudly to me*

I look at Blue, then Rob, then back to Blue and nod my head yes and smile.

Blue: Then you are my sister.

Rob holds in a small laugh and looks at Blue.

Rob: Sounds great

There is a knock on the door and Blue goes to open it. Rob comes in front of me and rubs my arms as I am cooking.

Rob: Married huh?

Me: Isn't that the goal? Unless that is something you don't want.

Rob: It is. Don't worry.

Me: Speaking of.... do you want kids?

Rob: Where is this coming from?

Me: I am just asking. Just wanted to know.

She runs her hands up and down my neck. Before she can answer my parents walk in.

Jay: How do you expect to cook if you are screwing around?

I shake my head

Me: Alright. Let me finish this and I will see you in there ok?

Rob: Ok. *She kisses me and heads in the room with my people*

I finish cooking and start serving food. We sit there and make conversation as we eat.

Bey: So Spence.

Me: So Ma.

Bey: How is the filming going?

Me: Oh we are just starting. Do you know who they casted as Ariel?

Bey: I have heard rumors, but tell me.

Me: Halle Bailey.

Bey: I am proud of thoes girls.

Me: Me too. They have come a long way from Disney and odd movies.

Rob: Are thoes the girls that you took under your wing Bey?

Bey: Yeah. They are really talented. Chloe is performing at the BET awards this year.

Me: Oh yea? Remind me to call them.

Bey: Will do. Well Blu Blu. It is time to come home.

Blue: Awe ok. *She comes up to give me a hug* Bye Spence.

Me: Bye Blue. I will see you this weekend ok.

Blue: What is this weekend?

I get really close to her before I answer.

Me: Sibling weekend.

Blue: Yay! That means Robyn comes right?

Ma and pops look at me confused.

Bey: Why would she go Blue?

Blue: Because she is my sister. They are married.

I palm my face and Rob laughs.

Bey: Really now?

Me: Ok, that is enough of that.

Blue walks to Rob and she picks her up.

Blue: Bye Robyn. I will miss you. Will you come this weekend?

Rob: I will miss you too Ivy. Of course. I wouldn't miss it for the world.

AN* Here is a little filler. Enjoy!

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