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I go over to my ma and pop's place for the weekend and I am immediately bombarded by questions.

Bey: Soooo.

Me: Sooo what?

Bey: Tell us about you and Rob.

Me: There isn't much to tell. I mean she is giving me a chance to be with her and I am excited.

Jay: She make you happy?

Me: All the time. She has been in my mind since yall introduced me. Can't seem to get her out. Don't really want to either.

Ma looks at pops and smiles.

Me: Whatcha smiling for?

Bey: You are falling for her.

Me: What? No.. it is too soon.

Bey: No baby. You have been falling for her since the beginning. Your brain is just catching up with your heart.

Me: I don't know.

Bey: I do.

Jay: You gonna take her as your plus one for the Oscars?

Me: I haven't even asked her. I don't know if she'd want to be with me in public for that long. Plus I don't want to force anything on her. We are not official or labeled. I don't want to scare her off.

Bey: Rih was never the one for pda. But the first day yall confess your feelings and she's kissing you in front of paparazzi? You're crazy if you think she wouldn't want you to come.

Me: I'll ask her tomorrow. We are doing an interview for Ellen for Ocean 8. I am excited for that film.

Jay: What part are you playing again?

Me: I am the guy that screwed over Sandra Bullock's character.

Bey: Oh so it isn't a big part?

Me: No not really. I only took it because I was working on my album. Now that I am more free I'll be looking for another movie to do.

Bey: I heard that they are making a bunch of live action movies for Disney. Maybe you should look into it.

Jay: I heard they are casting for the prince for The Little Mermaid.

Me: Prince dad. I am no prince.

Little do they know, I have already auditioned for it.

Jay: You are whatever you want to be.

Me: The public would kill me. I like my life. *I laugh a bit*

Rob: Kill you for what?

Bey: For trying out for Prince Eric.

Rob: Oh my gosh. You should totally do it!

Me: No. I am already in the frying pan for my body and these allegations. I rather not. Plus it is written for a man. I am a woman.

Rob: Ok, be a pussy then.

Jay and Bey look at her in amusement.

Me: What?

Rob: You have been thinking about everyone and what they think lately. Fuck them. Do what makes you happy. Be with who makes you happy. Fuck the rest.

Bey: Well said.

Jay: I like her.

Rob: I hope you do, you helped me get on my feet. *They laugh*

Me: Lets go. *I grab Rob's hand*

Rob: Wait why?

Me: Because I want to be with the person who makes me happy. *I smile at her*

Bey looks at me and Rob with a wide smile.

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