Chris Breezy

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Since Robyn has announced that we are dating, we have been getting mixed reactions. Most of them are good. Our fans are happy about it. They have been shipping us since we met. But we have some celebrities that are constantly drinking their haterade. Like Drake for example. He has been all over social media talking about how I am not good for Rob. His fans are hounding me too. Even Chris Brown has gone on social and told him to chill. Which surprised me a lot. He reached out to me to apologize about how we met, and what he said to Rob about me. He wants to meet up to smooth things over. Which is good, because I am in the process of releasing a song with Nicki, Wayne, and Chris. Two songs actually. We are producing a song called Only, and another one called Truffle Butter. But Chris wont be in the second one. I am excited to do this. I have to talk to Rob about the whole Chris thing. I want to know where her head is at. If push comes to shove, I wont do the song with him.

Me: Rob?

Rob: Yeah babe? Whats up?

Me: So, Nicki came to me with a couple of songs she wants me on.

Rob: That sounds amazing. Why do you sound hesitant?

Me: Chris is on one of them.

She looks at me for a sec and smiles.

Rob: It was years ago Spence.

Me: I know. But I want to make sure that you are ok with it. I dont want to do anything to make you uncomfortable. I want to make sure you are ok with what I am going to do. If you arent, I will tell Nicki I cant do the song with him on it.

Robyn walks up to me putting a hand over my mouth, stopping my rambling.

Rob: He has already reached out to me.

I look at her in confusion. I try to ask her what she means, but my words are muffled.

Rob: He didnt want to put you in our stuff, so he wanted to come to me first. I know he texted you to meet up and put stuff aside. I told him to do it. I dont mind. We were young Spence. Young and stupid. Yes, what he did hurt, in more ways than one. But I am over it. I am healing. I promise you I am fine.

I look at her to see if there is any doubt, but I dont see any. She takes her hand off of my mouth to let me speak.

Me: Why dont we both go?

Rob: You sure?

Me: Yeah. Ill text him and let him know.

Rob: When did he ask to go?

Me: Today. In a couple of hours.

Rob: Ok. I will start getting ready.

I text Chris to tell him Rob is coming. He gave me a thumbs up. We shower and get ready to meet Chris at this sports bar. When we get there, there are paps everywhere.

Paps: Rihanna look here!

Paps: Spencer, how excited are you to play Prince Eric? Will there be a change in gender for you?

Paps: Rihanna. Are you going to see your ex-lover? Are you and Chris getting back together.

That question got Robyn. She turns to the man and gives him a nice nasty smile.

Rob: No I am not getting back with Chris. I am happier than I have ever been with Spencer. *She grabs my hand* Now if you would excuse us.

We finally make it in. it is pretty chill in here. We look around to see Chris waving at us. We walk over there. He gives us a smile. Robyn hugs him briefly before they both let go. Then he comes to me.

Chris: I wanted to say it again in person. I am sorry man. I should have never judged you like I did. What I said was disrespectful. I apologize. I was being a dick.

Me: Yea, but you are moving in the right direction.

I pull him into a hug.

Chris: So, how has everything been going?

We talk for what only seemed to be an hour. But in reality, we were in the bar for almost five hours. I see Robs eyes start to droop. I know my girl is tired. Time to wrap this up.

Me: Hey man, it was good meeting up. I am glad we came. But I have to write my verse for these songs.

Chris: Yeah man. I will see you in the studio.

Me: Bet.

We all walk out together into a hoard of paps.

Rob: Damn it.

Me: Time to push some people.

As me and Chris are forcefully moving us through the paps, someone grabs Robs arm.

Rob: What the fuck. Let go.

I turn around.

Me: Dont make me rock yo shit. Let her go.

Man: I just wanted some answers to my questions. You know the game.

Me: It is past 11 at night. Shouldnt you be home? Get your hands off of her before you have doctors giving you answers on the injuries I will give you.

Chris: Id let her go man.

He lets her go and we get to our cars.

Chris: Well, I know she is taken care of.

Rob: Yea. Shes got me.

Robyn looks at me, but my eyes are still on that man. She grabs my wrist, pulling my attention to her. I smile at her beauty.

Rob: Ready?

Me: Yep. See you soon Breezy.

Chris: Yeah, see you. We are going to have to give you a nickname.

Me: Well, if you think of one, let me know.

We waved goodbye and drove home.

Me: That was something.

Rob: It was. Thank you.

Me: For what?

Rob: For many things. Not spazzing when Chris and I hugged, and for getting that guy off me.

Me: Well, I know where your head is at. If you were doubting us, you would come to me. Right?

Rob: With out a doubt.

Me: So, I am not going to worry about you hugging someone. I am not like that. Now if he did what Drake did, I would have thrown hands. *She laughs* But seriously. I know how you feel, so there isnt a need for me to be overly protective. As for that guy, I was kind of hoping he kept his hand on you. I wanted to punch him square in the jaw. Duche.

She rubs the back of my neck, playing in my baby hair.

Rob: What would I do without you?

Me: Probably be trying to figure out how to stop the rumors of you and Drake. I still cant believe that he tried to kiss you. On the lips. On national television.

Rob: Yea, I had to set him straight. I still havent replied to his messages or calls.

Me: I dont want you to cut your friend off Rob...

Rob: No, he is not only disrespecting me. But he is disrespecting you and our relationship. The same way you wouldnt have someone disrespect me; I wouldnt have them do that to you. *I give her a smile* Now get me home so I can have you to myself.

Me: Yes maam.

AN* What do you think will happen next?

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