beth mead - we love being enemies

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You played for barca aswell as the lionesses and today you guys were playing barca in the champions league .
You were excited to see some of your friends but you guys were rivals until the game ended . Alexia was constantly telling you to stay focused even when you were playing against some of your closest friends .
You had all just arrived at the stadium getting ready for the game .
Whilst you were warming up you noticed a few of the england girls smiling at you which you returned and then you saw the glare the alexia gave you and you stopped and got into game mode .
Sometimes she was terrifiying.
We were now standing in the tunnel getting ready to walk out . i was in game mode and it seemed as if everyone else was as i walked past beth gave me a dirty glare .
We all huddled round as alexia came over and the game began .
We started off the game with a lot of possession and a lot of chances . With me being right back i was trying to push up the field as much as possible to get us a goal which meant i bumped into beth a lot more .
In the 7th minute we have a corner which we play short . I am standing in the box with beth mead marking me as the cross comes in we both jump up to get it and collide . The ref gives them a free kick which was ridiculous.
" How is that a free kick i didn't touch her " i ask as she just signals me away .
Alexia walks over to try and calm me down before i get a yellow and then the game continues again .
Beth came sprinting up the pitch with the ball sticking to her feet so i knew what i had to do so i tackled her not allowing her passed me .
As soon as the ref blows her whistle i know i am going to get a yellow card but to be honest i didn't care .
However i did not take us long to get a goal from atiana .
I run straight past beth whilst smirking knowing that she will get pissed off and celebrated with my teammates.
We were now on a streak with jenni getting us another goal just 5 minutes later .
We all knew that this game now going to be getting more physical but we were ready .
Arsenal gets has a shot on goal and alexia was booked which was not the right decision but i couldn't argue with the ref as i would most likely get a red .
Just when we thought we were going into half time with just two goals frido manages to get a third and at half time it was 3-0 too us .
We all went into half time confident and ready for the next 45 minutes ahead of you guys .
We came back into the next half just a strong with lots of ideas to score more goals . Arsenal has also came out stronger with the giving lots of attacks .
Foord came charging into the box and i tackled her whilst clearing getting the ball . Both her and beth were trying the ref to give a penalty that we both knew was not right .
The ref said no pen .
" nice try there beth " i said to beth whilst running past her
In the 60 minute beth and alexia collide and we all have a break whilst beth gets some treatment .
After we had made some subs they instantly worked and jenni scored yet another goal now making it 4-0 .
We seeing the game out and it is arsenal throw in .
Beth keep trying to push we back to i give her a gentle push which she did not like and turned around shuving me back .
Luckily mapi came and pulled me back before i could retaliate meaning i would not get a second yellow and get sent off .
Beth got a yellow and i got subbed out as their were lots of chances of me getting a second yellow and i really didn't need that right now .
The game ended 4-0 to us and i walked over to the england girls in the huddle .
" good game girls" i said which they all replied
we all generally chatted before the rest left and it was just me and beth
" i am sorry about the game yk " she says
" is that the bethany mead apologising i cannot believe it " i joked as we just had a nice chat about life
We both had to go back inside now .
" I do love being enemies sometimes meado " i say before walking away whilst hearing her laughs in the distance

sorry for the lack of posts i have been sick the last few days so forgive me

Devastating result for the lionesses today but i am so proud of them this tournament.
it was honestly so heartbreaking seeing lucy and mary crying

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