kyra cooney - cross - not so great first impressions

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Coming back from Australia to arsenal was exciting . You couldn't wait to  put the summer behind you after losing to spain in final and look at the season ahead of you . It was also nice to reunite with my teammates and meet the new ones .  I had played at arsenal for my whole life , joining the academy when i was just six years old and moving up to the senior team at 16 .  Now 20 years old i have been at arsenal for 16 years i would not call it my home . 

It was the first day back for the rest of the team after the world cup with everyone coming back to the squad at different times .
And as usual the start of our day was a meeting , a thing we did at every start of the season to welcome and get to know any knew player and staff .
So currently i was squished in between katie and beth listening to jonas speak to us about what he expects from us this season .
All the new players  had arrived aswell including alessia , amanda , chloe and krya .
" so girls this is a big season for us , i want us to put the difficult year past us and focus on the year ahead of us .  I also want to welcome you to a new member of staff emily , why don't you introduce yourself " jonas says as emily goes to stand up
" Hey guys it is so nice to meet you . I am here to work with jonas , help in training and at matches but i am also always here if you want to talk about things non football related " emily says as everyone in the room starts to clap for her .
" okay guys we'll i am done for now so why don't you all go into the chill room and get too know your new team members " jonas says as we all do as he says .

I was currently sat in a group with jen , beth and steph whilst the rest of the girls were fussing around the new girls .
" so why aren't you with them " steph says pointing to my usual gang consisting of gio and teyah who were now also joined by krya .
I just shrugged at steph not really knowing the answer myself and instead changed the subject. We kept on messing around together until i heard my name being called from across the room.
My head turned around quickly almost giving my whiplash but when i found out it was just gio talking about me i just decided to ingore it . That was until i actually heard what they were saying about me .
" Y/n is great really, it is just sometimes she get abit much so at the beginning maybe just try and stay away from her " gio says whilst my heart skips a beat .
I thought she was one of my closest friends , i could not believe what i was hearing right now . I knew sometimes i could get angry and i was sometimes hard to deal with but if gio was my best friend then she wouldn't be talking about me like that .
I felt everyone eyes staring at me and someone hand rest on my back . I needed to get out of here . So i stormed out of the room even with a chorus of no echoing the room . No one followed me , i assumed the knew that i would like to be left alone .
I headed into the changing room , deciding to go head to training early to clear my head .
On the pitch the equipment was all already layed out so i was careful not to move anything and took some shots on goal . Most of the then we hitting the back of the with the occasional bang of the posts and i carried on with this until i saw a firgue appear in the distance.
I didn't recognise their face until they were standing on the pitch , and then i realised who it was . The new assistant coach emily . I don't know what it was about her but she just seemed abit off to me . I just ingored her and carried on having shots on goal until she spoke to me .
" what you doing out here kid training doesn't start for another 20 minutes " she said sounding too nice to be real .
" just calming myself down before training " i say bluntly not really wanting to talk to her
She didn't say anything back which surprised me quite a lot , instead she just laughed at me whilst turing her back to me and and walking away .
She hadn't even been her for a full day yet and she was already starting to get on my nerves . I knew i didn't like her one bit .
I stayed out onto the pitch until the rest of the team came out , not seeing much point going inside for only like 10 minutes. I knew i had to try and keep calm and not let emily get into my head , I needed to be professional about it . I had to make sure the team didn't think anything was wrong but i knew that would be difficult considering they could always tell . But i had to atleast try .

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