ausenal - two annoying little sisters

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After moving over to the arsenal at the age of 18 most of the older girls instantly took me under the wing automatically making giving me the nickname " the baby of the team " .
I moved in with caitlin who with steph both were becoming my team mums due to them being the only two people i knew coming from australia.
A few months before the world cup katie moved in with us so naturally i started to grew quite close to her .
Then the aussie trio now consisting of me , steph and caitlin were all off back to our home country to play in the world cup .
The only way i could to describe that world cup was and emotional rollercoaster.
Not many people could say they had represented their country at a major tournament at the age of 19 . Let alone a home world cup .

Having to leave all of the girls after camp felt strange , i was going from being with them all the time to being across the world from most of them .
So when i heard the news about kyra moving to arsenal i was beyond excited .
Every since we were teenagers going through the youth ranks i have had s good relationship with kyra .
However I don't think steph and caitlin are too happy about having to deal with me and kyra 24-7 .
We could tell towards the end of the world cup that they were starting to get tired of your usual antics .

It has been a few months since kyra has moved to arsenal . Today we were travelling to portugal for a training camp we are having over their to ease into football after the christmas holidays .
I couldn't wait until we actually got to portugal however i wasn't overly thrilled to be travelling there . I hated travelling, the thought of having to sit a confined space for a long period of time just made me uncomfortable.
But what always made it abit more durable was sitting next to kyra , the pair of you were always up to something . Wether it would be raging eachothers bag trying to find any form of food , or annoying anyone in your sight , planning the next prank you were going to pull on eachother . You always kept eachother entertained .

Stepping onto the plane me a kyra sat in our usual seats with steph sitting behind us with jen where as caitlin in sat opposite us with katie .
Before kyra came to arsenal katie had always been my partner in crime . The thing that i liked the most is whenever we would get caught the blame would instantly go onto katie . Whenever she would try to complain and blame in on me all the girls told she was older so she should know better whilst i just stood their laughing . However now everytime me and kyra were up to something we would both get the blame along with getting a lecture.  
" so what you thinking for our next prank " kyra asked whilst giving me the cheekiest grin .
"hmmm i am thinking we should do one on stephy and cait , what do you say ? " i ask whilst glancing over at the pair
she follows my eye line whilst giving me a slight nod as we went along planning our pranks for later on in the day .
For the majority of the plane ride we were planning on our upcoming pranks but it was when it came to the last thirty minutes of the journey when the two of us started to get bored .  We didn't know what to do with ourselves .
So our eyes immediately turned to the hot cloths we had been given at the beginning of the flight . Although the weren't so hot anymore .
At the beginning, you were just throwing them back and fourth between the pair of you but very quickly that started to get boring . Then you found your enjoyment by throwing them at anyone that you possibly could . Therefore in return you both received many yells from your older teammates surrounding you .

" can you please  both  just stop that , we haven't got long left can't you just go to sleep or smth " steph asks whilst letting out a loud sigh .
" you wish " both me and kyra said at the same some whilst smirking at each other.
" i know i do " we heard caitlin speak up that sent us both in to giggles .
As we continued to giggle we heard the signs from the rest of the girls at our silly antics .
And before we knew it we had landed in portugal .


I woke up due to a loud bang at my door .
" GIRLS GET UP NOW " we heard the voice of steph scream through the door .
It probably wasn't the best idea to put me and kyra in the same room , the whole night neither of us could sleep we were both keeping the other one up . Abit like little kids at a sleep over .
Due to this me and kyra had slept through both of our alarms and that is how we have ended up in this position.
" girls please just hurry up " we heard Steph say as she left out door
As i rolled over reaching for phone to look at the time . It read 8.30 .
" shit kyra we need to get up now , training starts in an hour and we need to set up the prank " i said
We looked at eachother before getting out of bed and darting found our messy room in attempt to get ready quickly .Running around the hotel we managed to make into the changing room just in time without being seen .
Now it is was time to set up the prank .
We grabbed every pair of boots that was in stephy locker and tied the shoelaces together , then realising we had some more time before the girls we due to be coming in so we decided to do them same to caitlin's shoes aswell .
We admired our master piece before running out the changing room trying to make ourselves scarce for the crime scene .

We waiting until a couple of the girls have walked into the changing room , trying not to act suspicious.
Luckily for you two steph and caitlin had yet to enter the changing room which meant you would be able to see their full reaction .
By the time they had entered the rest of the girls were there aswell making it even funnier .
"Y/N , KYRA " both steph and caitlin screamed at the same time .
We both just looked up with a smirk on our face admiring there annoyed faces .
" this was a good idea " kyra said as we high fived
And with that we made the run out of the changing room with them chasing us close behind .
Multiple of the girls had filmed it posting it on their story's .
The next day it was all over social media with the hashtag #ausenal
bring particularly popular.

hope you enjoy this i am currently working on request but keep sending them through 🫶🏻

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