red card struggles - west ham team

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readers name is bella btw

Deciding to move to west ham for the start of you professional career was one of the best decisions.
After moving out of my family home at the age of 15 due to not getting along with my parents it was finally nice to live with some of you fellow teammates. Now being 16 it had been a year living on you own so whilst having to settle in to your new routine at west ham you also had to learn to live with somebody else . Also on top of all of that your parents have decided to reach out after not speaking to them since you have left home . So naturally with all that was going on the pressure was start to build onto your shoulders and you had not told anyone about your struggles .

You were only in you first few months here and you had already become apart of the regular starting 11 .This also meant you gained a lot of the media's attention being named as the " rising star " of women's football assuming that is why your parents got back into contact for the money .

" bells time to get up we have to be at the training ground in 30 minutes " mackenzie screamed for the kitchen of our shared apartment .
" yep i am up now " i said whilst still hidden under my duvet .
This is how the two of us usually spent our mornings , i was a good thing that macca was a morning person cause otherwise i think i would find it extremely difficult to get to training on time every morning .
A loud knock at my door was the thing the woke me up again this morning , i knew this time i actually had to get up otherwise we both would be missing the bus to the stadium .
Lucky for me though we were playing aston villa at home today so we weren't having to set off as early as we would usually have to .

Usually once i fully woken up on match days i was over the moon , excited for the game however today was different . I just didn't have the energy today .
I put it down the the stress i had been under in the last few weeks , mainly my parents getting back into contact . But either way i had to put that to one side , i was now a professional i shouldn't let my stupid little feelings get in the way of out big game later .

As i got into mackenzie car trying to act as normal as possible , trying to act as if nothing was on my mind . But she knew me very well and it was very hard to get anything passed her so i knew i had to just forget about it . Then a notification from my phone had brought me out of my day dream and back to reality.
" you not going to look to see who it is " mackenzie says breaking the silence .
" oh yh i will i am sure it is nothing important though " i said picking my phone up .
The real reason i didn't want to pick up the text was the fact that i had a pretty good guess who the message was from.
Looking down at my phone to see the unsaved number which belongs to my mum . She hadn't even bothered to contact me in the two years since i got kicked out by her .

" good luck darling , hope you break a let me and your dad will be cheering you on there " read the message.
As my eyes scanned the message my breathing stopped , they had never once been to one of my games so why would they all of a sudden start to come . I knew my parents , i knew they were up to something .
Then i realised that i was still in the car and that mackenzie was still in the car and just witnessed all of that .
I quickly hurried into the training ground ignoring macca calls from behind me and heading straight to the toilets .  I read over the message once again , trying to really take in that my parents would be at my be at the match later before turning back round heading back out the toilets and towards the coach .
By the time you had got to the coach the rest of the girls were still inside faffing around meaning that you had first dibs of what seat you wanted on the bus . You choose to tuck yourself into into the back corner with the hopes of no one disturbing you which you thought this was the best place to sit .
Away from the noisy ones , somewhere where nobody would disturb. Well that was you being abit hopeful .

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