Chloe kelly - you need rest

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I sat up and rolled over to check the time on my phone .
4 am great i thought as i stood up and went to bathroom.
I hunched of the toilet feeling the need to be sick .
Luckily i wasn't actually sick but i still didn't feel great but i just went back to bed not wanting to wake chloe up .
I went in bed lied staring up at the ceiling until chloe alarm went off meaning it was time to get up .
That means you and been lying in bed for around 4 hours without sleeping .
Turning over you realised chloe must of already gone downstairs so you dragged yourself out of bed despite your splitting headache.
You slowly walked down the stairs to be met with chloe .
" Morning babe you alright " she asks you in which you just nod .
" Ok let's go to training then " she says as we both walk into the car

Me and y/n were driving to training . She was being abit off with she hadn't spoken a word all morning . All she did was mumble of slightly nod her head .
I was worried about her as she didn't look well at all and she wasn't not acting like her usual hyper self .
i Couldn't bring her up on it though as she would just deny straight away .
We pulled into the car park and y/n just walked straight into the locker room to get changed and by the time i arrived she was walking straight out .
" What is up with her chlo " alex asked me
" I am pretty sure she is ill but you know how stubborn she is " i reply as we walk out to training


The whole way to training me and chloe just sat in silence .
No one spoke but i noticed she kept glancing through the mirrors at me .
I think she had kinda of guessed that i was ill but i wasn't going to let me stupid bus get in the way of me training. We had lots of important games coming up and needed to be at my best .
Which meant i needing to go to training.
As soon as chloe turned the engine off i hopped straight out of the car and walked ahead straight into the changing room to get dressed for training.
I changed as quickly as i could to try and avoid chloe and the rest of the team and i managed to get out of the changing room as she was just walking in .
Whilst i waited for everyone else to come out to the pitch i just did some shots at the open goal .
Should i be doing extra training whilst i was ill .
No . did i care. no
I must have been about 15 min before the rest of the team came out as we started training.
As we were about half way through the training session i definitely regretted doing those extra 15 min as my head was starting spin from the pounding headache .
Chloe came walking over to me whilst stroking my back softly
" Come we are going home you need to rest before you pass out " she whispers in my ear but before i get to reply she had picked me up and starts carry me to the car .
Feeling to sick to argue  i just bury my head into her neck and fall asleep.

just a short one for now

Please send request and i will try and do them 🫶🏻

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