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Cordelia Stone tucked herself deeper into the thin, cream colored sheets of her childhood bed, ignoring the voice that belonged to her twin sister Mira.

"Cordelia," She called again, "you promised you'd take Greyson to the see the boats today. If you don't get up I'm gonna let him in to deal with you himself."

"Let him." Cordelia's lips grumbled the challenge tiredly as she pressed one of her pillows over her untamed head of curls.

"Is that what you really want?" Mira wondered softly.

She let her chance to respond move along, warranting her sister to open the door to their shared bedroom entirely to let their younger brother in. Within seconds, Cordelia's once light breathing was replaced by the loud roar of a groan leaving her body, the weight of the ten year old boy feeling as if he were crushing her bones.

"Wake up Lia! Wake up, wake up, wake up!" Greyson chanted, jumping up and down while his voice got louder.

Cordelia let out one more groan, but at the sight of the little boy's bright smile, her anger turned into a matching expression, a laugh slipping past her lips. The sound grew louder as she tossed the boy to her side.

"Okay," She smiled, "I'm up, you can stop reaking havock now!"

Her hazel eyes looked over to her doorway, meeting the matching one's of Mira who was now leaning against the white painted wood with a smirk.

"Goodmoring sunshine."

She held down her laughter, but barely, causing Cordelia to roll her eyes playfully.

"What time is it anyway?"

"Half past ten," Mira responded after glancing at a clock hanging in the outside hallway, "mom and dad both have left for work already but, there's a slice of bread on the kithcen table for you. I'm off to see what I can get from the market."

There was often a long list of items that the family needed from their district's market sector but, the Stones lived in the poorer part of District four. They were lucky to have enough to get through the week.

"Can we go to the shoreline now?" Greyson asked with a pleading groan.

Cordelia tried her best to smooth down her messy curls, to no avail before sending her baby brother another wide smile. He had a way of brightening her mood as well as everyone else's.

"Of course. Go on, I need to get dressed."

Mira held her hand out to the small boy, and he jumped off of Cordelia's bed and raced into her grasp, before pulling her down the hallway of their small two bedroom home excitedly. Cordelia swung her legs out from under her thin purple covers and over the side of her bed. She stood up, stretching her small frame, and wondered over to her dresser to pick out her outfit for the day, settling on a blue sleeveless sundress and brown sandals. She had been taking her younger brother to the beach along the port to watch the ships come in every Tuesday, for as long as he could remember. It was one of the ways she could distract both herself and the boy from how bad things really were sometimes. Except things weren't as bad as they could be, because the entire family had each other. Cordelia loved her family with all of her heart. They kept her pieced together.

The young girl quickly brushed out her curls, and threw them into one pony tailed braid, that trailed to the middle of her back before getting dressed and walking out to meet her brother in the kitchen.

"Are you ready bud?" She smiled softly.

Greyson sighed dramatically, "I've been ready!"

He let out a giggle at the flat look on Cordelia's face.

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