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"No, more like this."

Parker swayed his hips, moving his feet forward and backward. Even with no music he moved smoothly. Carter laughed as Parker took his hands, instructing him in the dance that he had learned from his mother at a young age.

"I can't," Carter was almost inaudible through his laughter, "I'm no good at this!"

"What girl won't you get if you can move like that?" Gretchen giggled.

Parker kept up the movements, going back and forth and side to side, the tributes going into a laughing fit. Cordelia knew better than to let herself expect many moments like this in the arena. Deep down, she knew this could be the last of the lightheartedness, and that fact made her revel in it even more, engraining the smiles of her allies deep into her brain. Far enough that she knew she could never forget, even if she tried.

"You're hopeless," Parker let go of the younger boy with a laugh, Carter hanging his head and dropping his shoulders in a humorous defeat. A camera showed itself nearby, Parker immediately amping up his playful attitude, "hey if there's any of the gamemakers watching -which I feel as though it's fair to assume there is- , I think it'd be best to coach the upcoming tributes through a dancing routine, at least one! I mean think about it, if a tribute can do the salsa, surely dodging a knife would be no issue at all, right? Listen to me, I'm giving you lifesaving information!"

Cordelia threw her head back, almost impressed with the boy's lack of filter. How he could just say whatever he wanted to. She wished that she could keep that much of herself in the moment. In any moment. Just enough to say what she thought no matter the consequences but, deep down she knew, the only way she could possibly endure that comfort, was to accept that she wouldn't make it out to face the outside world or anything they'd do or say to her for her words. The thought told her that could very well be the reason behind Parker's defiance. That sent a shiver down her spine, faltering her smile slightly for a moment.

"We should get moving."

She was grateful that Gretchen was the one to speak up, for it cut off her otherwise spiraling thoughts. Not that the strawberry blonde was wrong in the slightest. If they stayed couped up in that cave for very much longer, then the game makers would send in some terrifying concoction just to draw them out, and most likely into the path of another tribute just for some entertainment. In fact, Cordelia was sure the only reason they hadn't was Parker's entertaining antics.

She silently thanked him, just one more time before swearing not to let herself feel as though she owed him anything else.

Carter's smile faded slightly, until Cordelia did something stupid with her face to make him laugh. He was different. She couldn't stop herself from owing him. She felt the urge to make his time in the arena, as tolerable as it possibly could be, and if the Capitol didn't like that, then to hell with them. If they didn't want their tributes treated like children, then maybe they could try putting adults in their games instead. Cordelia smiled at the thought, as it seemed more comical with each passing second. Of course they'd never do such a thing, that'd miss the mark entirely. Innocence was one of the focal points in the games, and without it, they'd lose at least half of their value, and that was just unacceptable.

"There has to be another source of water somewhere," Cordelia agreed, standing up to organize her pack, "hopefully one that's safe to touch. You know, one we could bathe in? Between the four of us it's grown rather..."

"Wretched," Parker faked a gag, stumbling dramtically, "because I absolutely agree. Who knew this is what we'd be worried about?"

Cordelia smiled and nodded, squinting her eyes as she her head shook playfully. Everyone gathered their things and followed each other through the entrance of their cave, their eyes narrowing into a squint immediately in an attempt to adjust to the sunlight. Cordelia was first to tug her jacket off, the heat from the rays already being almost unbearable. She stuffed the wind breaking material into her bag before slinging it back over her shoulder in one quick motion. Carter was next to rid himself of his jacket, Gretchen and Parker following suit within minutes of their journey.

"I say we keep going further," Gretchen waved her hand in the direction the group had yet to venutre through, "it's pratically the only area we haven't gone through yet. Other than the other side of the Cornicopia. We shouldn't go there until we're ready for the Careers."

Cordelia nodded in agreement, leading the way since she was the furthest in that direction. The group walked for over an hour in their search, at some points making unimportant small talk, and at others, wiping their foreheads from the sweat dripping prefusely. Their hopes heightened as they found themselves going through another patch of greenery. Trees, flowers, cactuses, and various other desert plants lined themelves up for miles, and as Cordelia's hazel orbs met the steady running river, she groaned out in relief. Her feet carried her to the edge quickly, and she smiled. The current ran at a steady pace but, it wasn't fast enough to cause any concern. The crystal blue liquid, was as clear as glass, and at this conclusion, Cordelia was on her knees and rinsing her face in no time, warranting her allies to come racing in behind her to take her lead. She wasted not another second, before ridding herself of her shirt, shoes, socks and pants, leaving her in nothing but her underwear. There was no room for modesty and when she thought about it, she figured the sick minds of the Capitol were probably enjoying the show as she waded into the water before laying back and letting it run over her body, cooling her down.

"It feels so nice!" She encouraged.

Carter and Gretchen joined her, Parker sitting against a rock a few feet away from the river.

"I'll stay on watch." He nodded.

She ran her hands over her body to cleanse herself as best as she could, letting the refreshing feeling run over her skin like silk. The freezing cold water was in no way as good as the fancy showers she had been forced to leave behind in the Training Center, in fact it was a shame to even try to compare it but, for now it would have to do. Cordelia moved quickly, rubbing her face as she stood to take Parker's spot. Her golden skin dried at an almost unbelievable rate due to the swealtering heat yet, as she reached her ally to give him his turn, she found herself shivering at the sudden breeze. She ignored the feeling, dressing herself as quickly as she could and shooing Parker away to take his turn in the water before sitting on the rock. She noticed many like it along the side lines of the river, that any of them would've been able to get across in minutes, even having the thought to use one of the rocks in the river as a wash board for her clothes. However, the temperature dropping erased the thought, replacing it with the strong urge to cover up so, she tugged her clothes back over her body and wrapped herself in her jacket.

Her eyes narrowed accusingly at the quick change, reaching up to pull a strand of hair out of her face when the breeze picked up again.

"Alright, finish up." She stood quickly but, her tone remained calm.

The rest of the group looked at her in confusion as she said something else, her words coming out as a mumble.

"I said something's wrong." Cordelia rose her voice, keeping it firm.

Her allie's clammored out of the wateras quickly as they could, throwing their clothes back on. Gretchen tilted her head at the realization.

"I think a storms on the way." She nodded, a sense of sureness lying in her words.

Parker looked up, to see not single cloud tainting the baby blue sky, "Doesn't look like it."

"Who knows honestly, the gamemakers could do anything they want without even a second's notice." Gretchen reminded softly.

Cordelia was ready to respond, tell Gretchen that a storm from clear skies made no sense. And then she saw it. The breeze picked up again, small grains of yellowish-gray floating through the air. Her eyebrows raised, and she gathered both her and her partners' packs quickly, tossing each one to it's rightful owner before slinging her own over her shoulder. She shivered again.

"We need to find cover." She said breathlessly.

"What," Carter wondered, "why?"

Her eyes met his in a panic and by then it was already getting harder to see. Cordelia squeezed her eyes shut at the sudden gust of sand pushing into her face.

"It's a sandstorm."

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