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"Ms.Carmichael won't see you."

Finnick ran his hand over his face tiredly, not having felt this sense of desperation in a good amount of time, "Are you sure-"

"Yes," The man in grey nodded emotionlessly, "I'm under strict orders to not let you in Mr.Odair."

"Please call me Finnick-"

"It doesn't matter what I call you," The man smiled sarcastically, "I'm not letting you in. Nothing personal, just doing my job."

"Got it." Finnick nodded, his lips pursed tight.

In all honesty, he hadn't been rejected in...well he couldn't even remember how long and he knew Aleesia was upset but, usually it was easier to win her back over.

"Can you at least send my apologies?" He wondered.

"Yes Mr.Odair, I will send your apologies. As I have done for the past three days," Another tight-lipped smile was sent by the dark-skinned doorman, his white glove coming up to give an enthusiastic thumbs up, "once she gets back, I will let her know."

Finnick halted, spinning on his heel to once again face the man, "Gets back?"

Ah. Wherever she was, Finnick was not meant to know she was even gone. He was sure of that by the look on the doorman's face. He was already shaking his head as Finnick started to speak.

"Oh come on!" Finnick smiled convincingly.

"No," The man said sternly, "she would have my head, and you know it!"

"Please," Finnick pouted his lips, knowing how to make the man smile. They had grown quite the friendship over his years of visits with the woman who lived on the top floor, though the doorman himself would probably never admit it, "Nero, won't you help me out just this once?"

"Just this once?" The man scratched his lavender buzzcut as he finally let out a stifled laugh.

Finnick gave him a silly expression, causing the laughter to deepen.

"Alright," Nero finally caved, "but if she finds out I told you, then I'll have your head."

Finnick narrowed his eyes unseriously, "Like the president would let you off for being responsible for the death of a Capitol treasure."

It was the doorman's turn to narrow his eyes, shaking his head dumbfoundedly, "Funny you say that, I guess."

The blonde boy tilted his head, his brows etched in confusion.

"Oh right, you don't know. Aleesia is in a meeting with Snow, I'm surprised it took her this long she's been requesting it for days...Finnick?"

Finnick wasn't paying attention. He had zoned out at the mention of Snow. What could Aleesia possibly want with Snow? His green eyes widened and he shook his head.

"Finnick!" Nero called out after him as he began to race out to the busy street.

"I won't say anything," He came back at the look of disbelief on the man's face, "I promise. Thank you Nero."

Nero nodded, a flat look on his face. Yeah, there's still no way he was convinced. Finnick kept moving anyways, pushing past countless faces on his way to the mansion. He was beginning to become far too familiar with the home for his liking but, he kept up good pace. Maybe if he got their in time he could save himself, save Cordelia from their otherwise agonizing fate. He walked through the gates so easily, bringing him to the conclusion that was further confirmed when he stepped over the front threshold.

"Mr.Odair," The familair woman smiled greetingly, "President Snow has been expecting you."

Finnick now wanted to slap his palm to his forehead, or possibly bash it into one of the glass vaces sitting out for decoration. Of course the president was expecting him. Nothing was ever what it seemed with the man.

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