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"When you said 'first thing in the morning' I didn't expect the ass crack of dawn." Cordelia mumbled tiredly.

She was sitting in a chair that had been brought into her room, being prepared for her journey home. A good part of her district would be waiting to greet her at the train station, not to mention several cameras. She most certainly had to looke the part.

"My fault," Finnick chuckled softly. The sound brought a small smile to her face, "I thought it was rather clear, the way I worded it."

"When I think morning, I usually think of it being light out. It's pitch black out there."

"Oh dear, you won't leave for hours yet, we're just getting you ready!" Olympia said.

She was far too excited for it being so early. Cordelia let her smile fall, mostly so Kennedy could apply the red lipstick that had been picked out for her.

"Why can't I get ready on the train?" She pressed.

"We won't be going with you onto the train," Kennedy said obviously, "and besides, we can't have you going in front of cameras looking the way you did when you woke up today!"

She said the words with a smile, Cordelia responding with a venomous glare.

"Okay," Finnick chuckled nervously standing up to gesture out her door, "Olympia, Kennedy could you do me the biggest favor and grab Cordelia a quick bite to eat? I think she could use a break and we don't want her to get anything on her outfit!"

He put a false sense of peppiness in his tone, warranting the women to look up with big smiles. They mumbled out their agreements, all but bouncing as they went down the hall.

"Thank you," She sighed towards him, finally allowing herself to squirm about as she pleased. She finally stood, stretching out her tired bones and muscles, "I think the words in my head would've scared them off just fine though."

Finnick laughed again, "Please. I think you're actually pretty cute in the morning."

"Oh same to you," She nodded curtly, "especially when you're all asleep and not saying anything. It's a nice moment of peace for me, quite comforting. In fact, I wouldn't mind if you tried opting for silence while you're conscious as well."

He blew out a dramatic breath, and she smiled sarcastically. Neither of them were really sure where they stood. Finnick was determined to be right there for whatever Cordelia let him though, and Cordelia was too stuck in her head, trying to figure out how she actually felt too protest. All she knew was she needed time. Time to at least make a rational decision if nothing else. Maybe taking a step back would allow her to understand Finnick's perspective more, and even though it would still sting, at least she wouldn't blame him as much as she seemed to now.

"Noted," He clicked his tongue, "I'm surprised you're not in a more cheery mood."

Cordelia looked up to find him right in front of her, and her eyebrows raised. She found herself staring, wondering how one could look good even with such messy bedhead, "Forgive me, I'm not a morning person."

"Oh, that's been well established," She rolled her eyes as he teased, "I just mean with you finally getting to go home and all."

Her face fell slightly, and Finnick's head tilted, his eyes narrowing in an observant fashion. He couldn't stop his green orbs from flickering to her lips as she obtained a tight-lipped smile.

"Yeah, woohoo."

"Are you alright?" He asked carefully.

Cordelia let out a chuckle. Well, it was half a chuckle and half a scoff. The question was half funny, and half insulting.

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